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From: plissken on 5 Dec 2006 16:17 Can anyone help me with this problem. I'm using Oracle 9i and SQL Developer Here is some test code. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TEST AS doc xmldom.DOMDocument; main_node xmldom.DOMNode; root_node xmldom.DOMNode; root_elmt xmldom.DOMElement; root_text xmldom.DOMText; root_name xmldom.DOMNode; v_cResult CLOB; BEGIN doc := xmldom.newDOMDocument; xmldom.setversion(doc, '1.0'); xmldom.setCharset(doc,'UTF-8'); main_node := xmldom.makeNode(doc); root_elmt := xmldom.createElement(doc, 'EMP'); root_node := xmldom.appendChild(main_node, xmldom.makeNode(root_elmt)); root_text := xmldom.createtextnode(doc, 'where is the header?'); root_name := xmldom.appendChild(root_node, xmldom.makeNode(root_text)); dbms_xmldom.WRITETOCLOB(doc, v_cResult); dbms_output.PUT_LINE(substr(v_cResult,1,255)); xmldom.freeDocument(doc); END; The output is <EMP>where is the header?</EMP> I really need <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <EMP>where is the header?</EMP> Thanks in advance. Plissken. |