From: ming on
I have a binary outcome regression problem. the dependent variables (outcome) are binary, e.g. negative and positive, there are 10 independent variable (predictors). What I want to get are the beta (coefficients), i.e. fitting the model given data.

I got quite different results by using mnrfit and glmfit, which presented the coefficients with reversed sign and values were scaled by a certain factor. e.g.
mnrfit gives: 1st variable: 0.5; 2nd variable: -1; 3rd variable: 2...
glmfit gives: 1st variable: -1; 2nd variable: 2; 3rd variable: -4...

I cannot figure out which function is more reasonable and should be used. Besides, I am not sure whether mnrfit should be used for binary problem. Please help, thanks!
From: Peter Perkins on
On 6/25/2010 8:05 AM, ming wrote:

> I cannot figure out which function is more reasonable and should be
> used. Besides, I am not sure whether mnrfit should be used for binary
> problem. Please help, thanks!

GLMFIT is specifically intended to fit models for a binary response, and
what you most likely want to use. MNRFIT can be used for a binary
response, and gives equivalent results. The difference you see in the
coefs is likely due to the way you've passed in the response vector.

But MNRFIT is intended for the more general case of more than two
response levels, and so there are a variety of different models you can
fit. Please see the reference page in the doc. McCullagh&Nelder, the
book cited in the doc, is an excellent reference for the models that
MNRFIT can fit (and also a good reference for GLMs).

Hope this helps.

From: ming on
thanks very much, Peter.