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From: Beatrice P?schel on 13 Nov 2009 09:40 hi I was using the following loop to calculate coherence for i=1:16 x=filter_Michigan_a(refe_ch,:); y=filter_Michigan_a(i,:); window=500; noverlap=0; nfft=length(x); [Cxy,f]=mscohere(x,y,window,noverlap,nfft,fq); cohere_band1(i)=max(Cxy(3:5)); cohere_band2(i)=max(Cxy(6:8)); cohere_band3(i)=max(Cxy(9:16)); cohere_band4(i)=max(Cxy(17:41)); end after testing i was not sure if i get correct values for f. i was advised to redefine nfft nfft=fq (istead of nfft=length(x)) in both cases the rage of f is [0, fq/2] as predicted by the mscohere function but i get a longer vector for nfft=length(x) i dont know how to decide which version is correct or if both definitions for nfft are wrong. any suggestion/ help would be greatly appreciated. thank you. Beatrice
From: Bas on 13 Nov 2009 10:52 Hi, For the accurate calculation of coherence, you need a lot of averages. You thus want to obtain as much data as possible. If the length of your data is limited, this means that you have to use pretty short windows, which means that your frequency resolution will be pretty low. Setting nfft=length(x) is wrong, in this way you only use a single window, which gives no valid results. Nfft = fq seems also strange, since the first is a number of samples, while the second is a frequency. This would mean that you take window lengths of 1 second, but I am not sure if that is what you want. Further, what you usually do is use a Hann or Hamming window, which means that the data at both extremes of the window are weighted really low. To overcome this problem and use all the information in your data, it is common to use a Hanning window and overlap the windows by 50%. Finally, it is common to set nfft to a powers of 2 for fast computations, but this is probably not absolutely necessary. The way I always use mscohere: nfft = 2^n [coh, f] = mscohere(x, y, hanning(nfft), nfft/2, nfft, fsample); but since nfft defaults to the length of the window and noverlap to half of that, you can also write [coh, f] = mscohere(x, y, hanning(nfft), [], [], fsample); or if you dont care a lot about the difference between hanning and hamming, simply [coh, f] = mscohere(x, y, nfft, [], [], fsample); But do read the help of mscohere to check. The length of the window is then twindow = nfft / fsample which gives you a frequency resolution of fres = 1/twindow = fsample / nfft so you will get a frequency vector of f = 0:fres:(fsample/2), which thus has a length(f) = nfft/2 + 1 Sinc you overlap by 50%, the number of averages is roughly naverage = 2 * tdata / twindow, where tdata is the length of your data in seconds. Based on the value of the coherence you expect, you should choose your number of averages, wich can be very high if you want to find a low coherence between the x and y signals. It is all a trade- off between frequency resolution, accuracy of the result (better with more averages) and the required amount of data. Finally, I guess from your code that you want to compute the coherence in certain frequency bands. Note that you hard-coded the indices of these bands, but obviously these indices will change if you play with nfft. HTH, Bas
From: Beatrice P?schel on 13 Nov 2009 12:05 Hi Bas thanks so much for your help. the mscohere funktion is much clearer for me know. you write nfft = 2^n. i was wondering how n is defined or how you define nfft if you dont want to set nfft to a powers of 2? thank you, Beatrice
From: Bas on 13 Nov 2009 15:31
On Nov 13, 6:05 pm, "Beatrice P?schel" <beatrice.poesc...(a)> wrote: > thanks so much for your help. the mscohere funktion is much clearer for me know. you write nfft = 2^n. i was wondering how n is defined or how you define nfft if you dont want to set nfft to a powers of 2? Simple, based on the formulas I gave before you should be able to figure out how big you want nfft to be approximately. If you care care about speed, you then do nfft = 2^round(log2(nfft_target)) to get a power of 2 that is close. If speed is not an issue, just give nfft any value you want, but try to avoid values that contain large prime factors. See help fft for the reason why, but it is basically a detail of the fft algorithm. Some more information about choosing the number of averages: I know from experience that if you have a coherence of some 10%, you need around 100 averages to be certain that you are not looking at statistical fluctuations of two uncorrelated signals. I guess that if you expect a coherence with a value C, you need about 1/C^2 averages, but I do not know if that is theoretically correct so the relation might even be exponential. Also note that results are biased towards positive values if you do not average enough. Even for two signals that are totally uncorrelated, you will always compute a positive value (by definition), which converges pretty slowly to zero as you increase the number of averages. But what is your application? Do you just want to check if some signal is dominated by some other noisy channel at some frequencies (this is a something we do daily, you just take some tens of averages), or do you want to know accurately that some noise couples with about 1% to another signal (which we need to know sometimes, in which case we use half a day worth of data sampled at 10kHz)? Play with your data to see what works or use simulated data if you want to be sure. Bas |