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From: 骑士 暗黑 on 21 Jun 2010 03:49 Hi, I want to do some simulation for the FM modulated signal in multipath fading channel. Can you help to check the following matlab scrip is correct or not. Thanks. %m is the modulated signal phase = pi * cumsum(m); SIGNAL = exp(j * (phase)); delaySamples=5; firstPath=SIGNAL; secondPath=SIGNAL(delaySamples+1:end); secondPath=[secondPath;zeros(1,delaySamples)']; SNR=70; gain=0.1; firstPath=awgn(firstPath,SNR); secondPath=awgn(secondPath,SNR); rx_SIGNAL=firstPath+gain*secondPath; I am not sure the delay and the noise can be added on the complex baseband siganl or not. |