From: Cesear on
On Mar 17, 10:18 am, Andrew Mangogna <amango...(a)> wrote:
> Arjen Markus wrote:
> > On 17 mrt, 13:47, Cesear <ces...(a)> wrote:
> >> I have 4 flat files where each field is separated by a pipe |.  In
> >> each file the second field has a unique value that is in all the
> >> files.  Each line is terminated by a newline.  I what to combine each
> >> file and create one file.  In this one file, there should be one line
> >> for each "unique" entry in that was found in the second file.  I was
> >> able to do this in MS access by creating each file as table and
> >> linking the "unique" field in the 2nd file to the other files.  I want
> >> do this in Tcl, so I can automate the process.  Come some please point
> >> me in a starting direction?  I know enough Tcl to get by, but not much
> >> in the I/O region.  Any ideas or would be great!
> >> Thx!!
> > What you could do is:
> > while {[gets $infile line] } {
> >     set fields   [split $line |]
> >     set uniqueId [lindex $fields 1]
> >     set data1($uniqueId) [lreplace $fields 1 1]
> > }
> > (Same for the other files)
> > Now you have four arrays, data1, ... data4, that hold the
> > non-unique information for each unique ID.
> > Joining them into one file:
> > foreach id [array names data1] {
> >     puts $outfile [join [concat $id $data1($id) $data2($id)
> > $data3($id) $data4($id)] |]
> > }
> > Or code along those lines - this is mostly a sketch.
> > Regards,
> > Arjen
> If all you want to do is to manipulate file contents, then certainly Arjen's
> example (with the small correction) is a straight forward way to accomplish
> that. But the original post referred to MS access, and so if you want to
> actually reason on the data, you could consider casting the file data into
> relational terms where the reasoning operations are much easier to formulate.
> Either SQLite or TclRAL could be brought to task for that.
> --
> Andrew Mangogna

What small correction from Arjen post are you referring too?
From: Alexandre Ferrieux on
On Mar 17, 2:55 pm, Cesear <ces...(a)> wrote:
> On Mar 17, 9:16 am, Alexandre Ferrieux <alexandre.ferri...(a)>
> wrote:
> > On Mar 17, 1:47 pm, Cesear <ces...(a)> wrote:
> > > I have 4 flat files where each field is separated by a pipe |.  In
> > > each file the second field has a unique value that is in all the
> > > files.  Each line is terminated by a newline.  I what to combine each
> > > file and create one file.  In this one file, there should be one line
> > > for each "unique" entry in that was found in the second file.  I was
> > > able to do this in MS access by creating each file as table and
> > > linking the "unique" field in the 2nd file to the other files.  I want
> > > do this in Tcl, so I can automate the process.  Come some please point
> > > me in a starting direction?  I know enough Tcl to get by, but not much
> > > in the I/O region.  Any ideas or would be great!
> > Your description is a bit unclear, please provide an example.
> > -Alex
> Here is an example:  In File 2, second field is unique, to the other 3
> files.  In File 2, field 2 could occur in multiple lines of the file.
> I want to combine all 4 files into ONE file FOREACH instance of field
> 2 in File 2.  Each instance should occur as ONE line in the combined
> one File.  Also, I ONLY need to have field 1 and field 2 occur once in
> the combine file.  So the grand outlook for "D0000012345678" (From
> File 2) the one line would be this-->
> [...]
> Does that make sense??

No. You're using file indices inconsistently, and words like "unique"
are really ambiguous.

So, *please*, don't write a 3rd explanation in English, but just one
complete example with both input and wanted output files.

From: Cesear on
On Mar 17, 9:02 am, Arjen Markus <arjen.markus...(a)> wrote:
> On 17 mrt, 13:47, Cesear <ces...(a)> wrote:
> > I have 4 flat files where each field is separated by a pipe |.  In
> > each file the second field has a unique value that is in all the
> > files.  Each line is terminated by a newline.  I what to combine each
> > file and create one file.  In this one file, there should be one line
> > for each "unique" entry in that was found in the second file.  I was
> > able to do this in MS access by creating each file as table and
> > linking the "unique" field in the 2nd file to the other files.  I want
> > do this in Tcl, so I can automate the process.  Come some please point
> > me in a starting direction?  I know enough Tcl to get by, but not much
> > in the I/O region.  Any ideas or would be great!
> > Thx!!
> What you could do is:
> while {[gets $infile line] } {
>     set fields   [split $line |]
>     set uniqueId [lindex $fields 1]
>     set data1($uniqueId) [lreplace $fields 1 1]
> }
> (Same for the other files)
> Now you have four arrays, data1, ... data4, that hold the
> non-unique information for each unique ID.
> Joining them into one file:
> foreach id [array names data1] {
>     puts $outfile [join [concat $id $data1($id) $data2($id)
> $data3($id) $data4($id)] |]
> }
> Or code along those lines - this is mostly a sketch.
> Regards,
> Arjen

Arjen u code works well, but I need to modify it some. I need to be
able to join the final file and only show the unqiueid at the
beginning of the row. How can I do that?
From: Cesear on
On Mar 17, 9:02 am, Arjen Markus <arjen.markus...(a)> wrote:
> On 17 mrt, 13:47, Cesear <ces...(a)> wrote:
> > I have 4 flat files where each field is separated by a pipe |.  In
> > each file the second field has a unique value that is in all the
> > files.  Each line is terminated by a newline.  I what to combine each
> > file and create one file.  In this one file, there should be one line
> > for each "unique" entry in that was found in the second file.  I was
> > able to do this in MS access by creating each file as table and
> > linking the "unique" field in the 2nd file to the other files.  I want
> > do this in Tcl, so I can automate the process.  Come some please point
> > me in a starting direction?  I know enough Tcl to get by, but not much
> > in the I/O region.  Any ideas or would be great!
> > Thx!!
> What you could do is:
> while {[gets $infile line] } {
>     set fields   [split $line |]
>     set uniqueId [lindex $fields 1]
>     set data1($uniqueId) [lreplace $fields 1 1]
> }
> (Same for the other files)
> Now you have four arrays, data1, ... data4, that hold the
> non-unique information for each unique ID.
> Joining them into one file:
> foreach id [array names data1] {
>     puts $outfile [join [concat $id $data1($id) $data2($id)
> $data3($id) $data4($id)] |]
> }
> Or code along those lines - this is mostly a sketch.
> Regards,
> Arjen

Arjen u code works well, but I need to modify it some. I need to be
able to join the final file and only show the unqiueid at the
beginning of the row. How can I do that?
From: Cesear on
On Mar 17, 9:02 am, Arjen Markus <arjen.markus...(a)> wrote:
> On 17 mrt, 13:47, Cesear <ces...(a)> wrote:
> > I have 4 flat files where each field is separated by a pipe |.  In
> > each file the second field has a unique value that is in all the
> > files.  Each line is terminated by a newline.  I what to combine each
> > file and create one file.  In this one file, there should be one line
> > for each "unique" entry in that was found in the second file.  I was
> > able to do this in MS access by creating each file as table and
> > linking the "unique" field in the 2nd file to the other files.  I want
> > do this in Tcl, so I can automate the process.  Come some please point
> > me in a starting direction?  I know enough Tcl to get by, but not much
> > in the I/O region.  Any ideas or would be great!
> > Thx!!
> What you could do is:
> while {[gets $infile line] } {
>     set fields   [split $line |]
>     set uniqueId [lindex $fields 1]
>     set data1($uniqueId) [lreplace $fields 1 1]
> }
> (Same for the other files)
> Now you have four arrays, data1, ... data4, that hold the
> non-unique information for each unique ID.
> Joining them into one file:
> foreach id [array names data1] {
>     puts $outfile [join [concat $id $data1($id) $data2($id)
> $data3($id) $data4($id)] |]
> }
> Or code along those lines - this is mostly a sketch.
> Regards,
> Arjen

Arjen u code works well, but I need to modify it some. I need to be
able to join the final file and only show the unqiueid at the
beginning of the row. How can I do that?