From: emekadavid on
On Jul 7, 12:25 am, jerry <jhot...(a)> wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Jul 2010 13:47:57 +0100, transkawa wrote:
> > can someone help me solve this non-mysticalso i want to believe
> > problem?
> > Thekeyboardon my laptop fails sometimes. It's a DeLL Latitude C600
> > series. Though the laptop is old but thekeyboardis only two years or
> > so old. Thekeyboardfails in the sense that a particular set ofkeys
> > fail. Thekeysare T and Ykeys. Then the Tab and Caps Lockkeys. I make
> > htem work again but discharging them with a screwdriver and the tips of
> > my lips.
> > I do this several times once in a while but thismysticalway of making
> > these work is way towards the alchemical. Can someone proffer a solution
> > to the problem?
> > xnt
> I worked in an office once and I had some problems with the key board on
> my desk. My desk was made of metal. The center drawer of the desk rode on
> nylon guides, but there was a piece of metal spring at the back of the
> drawer to cushion it it case someone slammed the drawer in. I sat in a
> chair with hard rubber roller feet. And my chair was rolling on a plastic
> chair mat on the floor.
> When I rolled the chair across the mat I would pick up a static electric
> charge. And if I then pushed the center drawer of the desk closed so that
> it contacted the metal spring at the back of the drawer bay, there would
> be a tiny spark emitted. And that spark produced EMI which thekeyboard
> was sensitive to, and it would stop working.
> I finally figured it out and got a static discharge mat to go under thekeyboardwhich fixed the problem.
> good luck!
> Jerry

i think myself it's a static problem, though my desk is not made of
metal. i think i'll work on this premise.