From: Zac Thompson on

"William Thompson" <WThompson09(a)> wrote in message
> "William Thompson" <WThompson09(a)> wrote in message
> news:%23Qjp%23bUnKHA.6084(a)TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> "VanguardLH" <V(a)nguard.LH> wrote in message
>> news:hiejcf$327$1(a)
>>>> for seting outlook express
>>> Forks go on the left. Spoons and knives on the right.
>>> --- Posting Hints ---
>>> ALWAYS REVIEW your message before submitting it. You want someone OTHER
>>> than yourself to understand your post. Also remember that no one here
>>> is
>>> looking over your shoulder to see at what you are pointing. If you
>>> don't
>>> well explain your situation by providing the details that you already
>>> know,
>>> don't expect others to know what is your situation. Explain YOUR
>>> computing
>>> environment and just what actions you take to reproduce the problem.
>>> Often you get just one chance per potential respondent to elicit a reply
>>> from them. If they skip your post because you gave them nothing to go
>>> on
>>> (no details, no versions, no OS, no context) then they will usually move
>>> on
>>> to the next post and never return to yours.
>>> What is Usenet:
>>> When using a webnews-for-dummies interface, like Microsoft's Communities
>>> or
>>> Google Groups or a forum-to-Usenet proxy, those are gateways to Usenet.
>>> Despite the appearance of a forum, you are participating in a newsgroup
>>> (Usenet).
>>> How to post to newsgroups:
>>> Regarding error or status messages:
>>> - Do NOT omit the message.
>>> - Do NOT describe the message.
>>> - Do NOT summarize the message.
>>> - Do NOT paraphrase the message.
>>> - Do NOT truncate the message.
>>> - Do show the ENTIRE message (but munge or star out personal info,
>>> like your username in an e-mail address but not the domain).
>>> Bye.