From: Heba M on
Dear all,

I will be appreciated if any one can help me by a matlab code that recognizes the mnist digits database using the neural network classifier , i need the train and test codes.

From: Walter Roberson on
Heba M wrote:

> I will be appreciated if any one can help me by a matlab code that
> recognizes the mnist digits database using the neural network classifier
> , i need the train and test codes.

What a coincidence -- I was saying just this morning that I need robust and
highly sensitive data classification algorithms for large data sets (16k or
more features) with very few samples (perhaps 300-ish). I need the train and
test codes -- oh yes, and citations to specific papers too, if you don't mind.

Perhaps we could trade, you do the data classification code while I do the NN
code? Getting the solution to me any time before 9am EDT on Wednesday would be