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From: Archimedes Plutonium on 10 Aug 2010 00:20 Now this is a pretty way of proving the Atom Totality versus the Big Bang. And when we put the two together of the missing mass as the Nucleus of the Atom Totality and the large neutrino density flux where a Big Bang would have a tiny neutrino density flux, we find fault with the Big Bang on two sides undersized mass and oversized energy. Or will the Atom Totality be proven true with the ever increasing symmetry of the positions of galaxies, where they are symmetrically arranged as in a diffraction pattern of the double slit experiment? Probably the proof will come from both as it has already made a steady march in the direction of proving the Atom Totality and trashcanning the Big Bang. One must always be skeptical of a theory of science that is so general as to say nothing such as the Big Bang -- why an explosion? why the violation of all physics laws and forces? In physics, like any other science abhors a vacuum and so the next best thing is the Big Bang theory. But now we have a rival competitor to the Big Bang. And it does not look good for the Big Bang. So what the neutrino density flux inside a single atom of 231Pu? It should be terrifically large inside a single 231Pu atom because the half life is so short. Keep in mind that the half-life for the Atom Totality is not a measure of decay but a measure of time itself. The Atom Totality must be a radioactive atom so that we have "time existing". If the Atom Totality were a stable element, there would not be "time", or "not much time" as in a radioactive atom. Archimedes Plutonium whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies |