From: Dominic Fandrey on
On 01/03/2010 12:30, Thomas Günther wrote:
> I am new to FreeBSD (coming from linux world). We are running some
> servers at FreeBSD 6.2 and I have to test something. So I would like to
> setup another 6.2 machine fpr testing.
> I have found an iso-image and have installed a minimal 6.2 FreeBSD.
> Then I would like to add some packages. I have set
> PACKAGESITE /pub/FreeBSD-Archive/old-releases/i386/6.2-RELEASE/
> to install other packages. But every time I try to install a
> package like this:
> pkg_add -r bash
> I get this error message:
> pkg_add: can't stat package file 'bash'

Your basic assumption, that packages are tied to releases is not
applicable to FreeBSD. Release packages only exist as a convenient
starting point for a fresh install. After that you are expected to
stay up to date within the major branch (freebsd-update provides
convenient base system updates) and use stable packages, in your
case that would mean the 6-stable package:


If you want to update packages pkg_upgrade (it comes with the
bsdadminscripts package) is a convenient tool.

The other approach is to build your own packages, there is a whole
lot of solutions for this out there (portmaster is very popular).

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