From: spudnik on

> > - Don't show quoted text -

it seems that Kooblee and Androcles and Arindam beleive: nothing
at all, at light speed, even if it is the ultimate speed. (or,
they think that photons are rocks o'light with no mass nor
momentum .-)

of course, there is nothing unusual about the "symmetric twins, " and
there was ne'er any paradox; even less than with Russell's illiterate,
tenseless ones -- I'm just sayin', all Cretins are liars; me, three!

> "We introduce a symmetric twin paradox whose solution can not be found
> within the currently accepted provinces of the STR.

doc Atlas, there is no paradox, if you accept that there is no
including sub-atomic angular momenta, that"goes" faster than light.
it was only a "twin paradox" til explained via Einstein et al's
of Galilean relativity -- a strawman, really.

are you going to argue Ole Roemer's dyscovery of the "retardation"
of light, way back, when ever?

your proposed "balancing" is almost cute, but
iff they accelerate at the same average rate,
there clocks'll be in synch at the rendezvous; so,
you've described a Twins Miming Each Other "experiment,"
a null perfection, unlike M&M's results & their refinements.

just get rid of the useless notion of Minkowski's phase-space, and
you won't have to think so God-am hard about it.

> Go ahead and start the calculation then for the time where each twin
> coast away or towards each other without any acceleration and with non-

--Stop BP's Waxman's arbitrageurs' CAP&TRADE Last Bail-out of Wall
the City of London and George Soros et al ad vomitorium!

--Fermat's next theorem!