From: fisico32 on
>On Jun 24, 5:12=A0pm, "fisico32" <marcoscipioni1(a)>
>> Hello Forum,
>> the fft of a rectangular, even, symmetric sequence show a nonzero real
>> and a zero imaginary part. All good so far.
>> However the phase spectrum is nonzero: zero at some frequencies, pi at
>> frequencies , -pi at some others....
>> The phase spectrum is given by atan(Imag(fft)/real(fft)), so it should
>> zero....
>> why not?
>you didn't sway the two halves with fftshift().
>r b-j
Actually, on page 101 of Understanding digital signal processing by Richard
Lyon , it is said (at the bottom) that " the particular pattern of pi and
-pi values is an artifact of the software used to generate that figure. A
different software package may show a different pattern.... as long as the
nonzero phase samples are either +pi or -pi the phase results will be

Is this related to the fftshift you are mentioning?

From: fisico32 on
>On Jun 24, 2:12=A0pm, "fisico32" <marcoscipioni1(a)>
>> The phase spectrum is given by atan(Imag(fft)/real(fft)), so it should
>> zero....
>> why not?
>> thanks
>> fisico32
>When I try:
>>> x =3D fft([1 1 1 1 1 1])
>x =3D
> 6 0 0 0 0 0
>>> atan2(imag(x),real(x))
>ans =3D
> 0 0 0 0 0 0
>It works.
>Do you have an example with a problem? In fact, when you discover
>magic like this would you always include the example in your initial
>post please.
>Dale B. Dalrymple

thanks Dale,
here what matlab does:

f=[0 1 2 3 3 2 1]; (even sequence).
B=imag(A); (it is all zeros).
C=angle(A) (it shows zero and pi values...)

The function angle should just implement the inverse tangent...

From: fisico32 on
>On Jun 24, 5:12 pm, "fisico32" <marcoscipioni1(a)>
>> Hello Forum,
>> the fft of a rectangular, even, symmetric sequence show a nonzero real
>> and a zero imaginary part. All good so far.
>> However the phase spectrum is nonzero: zero at some frequencies, pi at
>> frequencies , -pi at some others....
>> The phase spectrum is given by atan(Imag(fft)/real(fft)),
>Incorrect. Look at the source code: Enter into the command line.
>type angle
>type atan2
>> so it should give zero....
>> why not?
>1. Choose your own examples and compare atan(y/x) with atan2(y,x).
>There are several other possibilities for not obtaining what you
>2. Was your sequence defined over the symmetric bipolar time interval
>tsb = -tmax : dt : tmax % dt = 1/Fs, N is odd
> = dt* [ -(N-1)/2 : (N-1)/2 ];
>or the asymmetric bipolar time interval
>tab = -(tmax+dt) : dt : tmax % N is even
> = dt* [ -N/2 : N/2 - 1 ];
>3. Did you use fft(xb), fft(fftshift(xb) or fft(ifftshift(xb)) ?
> All will yield the correct amplitude. However
>a. X = fft(ifftshift(xb)) will always yield the correct phase
>b. fft(fftshift(xb) will yield the correct phase if N is even
> and you used xb(tab)
>c. fft(xb) is not guaranteed to ever yield the correct phase.
>4. Even if you used a, roundoff may have caused
> imag(X) to be very small but nonzero.
>An attempt at explaining how to use the correct combination
>can be obtained from my post
>Hope this helps.

>Hello Greg,
thanks, that is a good explanation. simple things get complicated.
I follow your answer. i am still unsure about why things work the way they
I feel like it is hard to trust matlab even on simple function like fft.
I am interested in looking a the phase spectrum and its changes...
Do you think I should always:

if b is a 1D sequence, B=fft(b) and atan(imag(B)./ real(B)). his would give
the correct phase.

For a 2D matrix a I can use A=fft2(ifftshift(a)). To plot the correct phase
using atan2(imag(A), real(A)).....

I have tried A=fft2(a) and b=ifft2(A). it turns out that b is kind of equal
to a.
If I took the A=fft(a) and B=fft(b), they would have different phase
spectra, with strange spikes in B...
What preventive things can I do to avoid these issues? Just use
fft2(ifftshift(a)) ?

the magnitude