From: SAC on
I have a file called HR.xls, but it is a html file type (eventhough it has
an xls extention). I want to save it as an xls file type.

How do I do this and where can I find the properties for this method? I've
looked for it in Technet but haven't found it.

Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.

From: mr_unreliable on
SAC wrote:
> I have a file called HR.xls, but it is a html file type (eventhough it
> has an xls extention). I want to save it as an xls file type.
> How do I do this and where can I find the properties for this method?
> I've looked for it in Technet but haven't found it.

hi SAC,

I suggest this:

- change the extension of your existing (html) file
to "HR.htm".

- open excel and then open the HR.htm file. If all goes
well, you should then see your spreadsheet displayed
in excel.

- then just save as: an xls file.

I don't have any code for you, but you can "roll-yer-own"
by using the XL macro recorder. The part about changing
the file extension you can do with the vbs fso object.
As for the rest, turn on your macro recorder, run through
the steps spelled out above, then close the macro recorder.
Look into your "Macros" area, to see what you recorded.
That will be "VBA" (visual basic for applications) code,
but you should be able to easily translate that into vbs
code. (There are a couple of caveats, but you can find
them in the archives of this ng).

cheers, jw

You got questions? WE GOT ANSWERS!!! ..(but, no guarantee
the answers will be applicable to the questions)

From: ekrengel on
On Jan 11, 12:42 pm, "SAC" <s...(a)> wrote:
> I have a file called HR.xls, but it is a html file type (eventhough it has
> an xls extention).  I want to save it as an xls file type.
> How do I do this and where can I find the properties for this method?  I've
> looked for it in Technet but haven't found it.
> Thanks for your help.  I really appreciate it.

If you want to do it with about this? You will have to
edit the path to your HR.xls file:

Const Excel2007 = 12

sXLS = "C:\HR.xls"

On Error Resume Next
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
On Error GoTo 0
WScript.Echo "Excel Application not found!"
End If
On Error GoTo 0

With objExcel
.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
.Visible = True
appVerInt = split(.Version, ".")(0)
If appVerInt-Excel2007 >=0 Then
.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(sXLS), 56 'office 2007
.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(sXLS), 43 'office 2003
End If
End With

Set objExcel = Nothing

msgbox "Done!"
From: SAC on
I need to run this unattended within a stored procedure on a sql server so I
can't have the messages, etc.

Here's what I have now, but it didn't change the file...

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Delete Backup File first
Facilities\FMDesktop\Peoplesoft HR Data\PS_FMDesktop1.xls")

'Copy to a Backup File
'objFSO.MoveFile "\\Vadenmclp01\groups\Vangent
Facilities\FMDesktop\Peoplesoft HR Data\PS_FMDesktop.xls" ,
"\\Vadenmclp01\groups\Vangent Facilities\FMDesktop\Peoplesoft HR

objFSO.CopyFile "\\Vadenmclp01\groups\Vangent
Facilities\FMDesktop\Peoplesoft HR Data\PS_FMDesktop.xls" ,
"\\Vadenmclp01\groups\Vangent Facilities\FMDesktop\Peoplesoft HR
Data\PS_FMDesktop1.xls", OverwriteExisting

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("\\Vadenmclp01\groups\Vangent
Facilities\FMDesktop\Peoplesoft HR Data\PS_FMDesktop.xls")

objExcel.Application.Visible = False

objExcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = False

'objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAS "\\Vadenmclp01\groups\Vangent
Facilities\FMDesktop\Peoplesoft HR Data\PS_FMDesktop.xls", Fileformat=43
'It's a 2003 file .......... Fileformat=xlNormal

Set objExcel = Nothing

Any more ideas?

Also, where can I find the

"ekrengel" <erickrengel5(a)> wrote in message
On Jan 11, 12:42 pm, "SAC" <s...(a)> wrote:
> I have a file called HR.xls, but it is a html file type (eventhough it has
> an xls extention). I want to save it as an xls file type.
> How do I do this and where can I find the properties for this method? I've
> looked for it in Technet but haven't found it.
> Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.

If you want to do it with about this? You will have to
edit the path to your HR.xls file:

Const Excel2007 = 12

sXLS = "C:\HR.xls"

On Error Resume Next
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
On Error GoTo 0
WScript.Echo "Excel Application not found!"
End If
On Error GoTo 0

With objExcel
.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
.Visible = True
appVerInt = split(.Version, ".")(0)
If appVerInt-Excel2007 >=0 Then
.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(sXLS), 56 'office 2007
.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(sXLS), 43 'office 2003
End If
End With

Set objExcel = Nothing

msgbox "Done!"

Thank you for your help.

From: ekrengel on
On Jan 11, 8:31 pm, "SAC" <s...(a)> wrote:
> I need to run this unattended within a stored procedure on a sql server so I
> can't have the messages, etc.
> Here's what I have now, but it didn't change the file...
> Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
> 'Delete Backup File first
> objFSO.DeleteFile("\\Vadenmclp01\groups\Vangent
> Facilities\FMDesktop\Peoplesoft HR Data\PS_FMDesktop1.xls")
> 'Copy to a Backup File
> 'objFSO.MoveFile    "\\Vadenmclp01\groups\Vangent
> Facilities\FMDesktop\Peoplesoft HR Data\PS_FMDesktop.xls" ,
> "\\Vadenmclp01\groups\Vangent Facilities\FMDesktop\Peoplesoft HR
> Data\PS_FMDesktop1.xls"
> objFSO.CopyFile "\\Vadenmclp01\groups\Vangent
> Facilities\FMDesktop\Peoplesoft HR Data\PS_FMDesktop.xls" ,
> "\\Vadenmclp01\groups\Vangent Facilities\FMDesktop\Peoplesoft HR
> Data\PS_FMDesktop1.xls", OverwriteExisting
> Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
> Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("\\Vadenmclp01\groups\Vangent
> Facilities\FMDesktop\Peoplesoft HR Data\PS_FMDesktop.xls")
> objExcel.Application.Visible = False
> objExcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
> 'objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAS "\\Vadenmclp01\groups\Vangent
> Facilities\FMDesktop\Peoplesoft HR Data\PS_FMDesktop.xls", Fileformat=43
> 'It's a 2003 file .......... Fileformat=xlNormal
> objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Close
> objExcel.Quit
> Set objExcel = Nothing
> Any more ideas?
> Also, where can I find the

Your not actually saving anything, you have the SaveAS line commented
out. If your using excel 2003, the SaveAS code is 43. If it's 2007,
then it's 56. Just change this line:

'objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAS "\\Vadenmclp01\groups\Vangent
Facilities\FMDesktop\Peoplesoft HR Data\PS_FMDesktop.xls",
'It's a 2003 file .......... Fileformat=xlNormal


objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAS "\\Vadenmclp01\groups\Vangent
Facilities\FMDesktop\Peoplesoft HR Data\PS_FMDesktop.xls", 43