From: Brian Ickler on 31 Jan 2010 18:36 Hello - Using ode45, I can plot the trajectory of a projectile using basic equations of motion (no drag) as follows (I've spared you some of the initial calculations and plot formatting): global g v0x v0y g = 32.2; % gravity acceleration v0x = 103.9; % initial x velocity v0y = 60.0; % initial y velocity x0 = 0; % initial x position y0 = 0; % initial y position tspan = [0, 5]; init_cond = [x0; y0]; options = odeset('Events', @events); [t,y,te,ye,ie] = ode45(@rk4_nodrag, tspan, init_cond, options); xdir = y(:,1); ydir = y(:,2); plot(xdir,ydir) % dydt(1) is dx/dt = x direction velocity, dydt(2) is dydt = y direction velocity function dydt = rk4_nodrag(t,y) global g v0x v0y dydt = [v0x v0y - (g * t)]; end The problem is when I change the system of equations to include drag force, which includes a velocity^2 term in each direction. As I have it coded below, I am using v0x and v0y, whereas the drag force should be calculated at each time step, using the current velocity, not the initial velocity. % dydt(1) is dx/dt = x direction velocity, dydt(2) is dydt = y direction velocity function dydt = rk4_drag(t,y) global g v0x v0y m Cd rho A dydt = [v0x - (1/(2 * m) * Cd * rho * A * v0x^2 * t) v0y - (g * t) - ((1/(2 * m)) * Cd * rho * A * v0y^2 * t)]; end Any help? I've tried, but failed to change v0x^2 and v0y^2 to something else that would be the velocity (dydt(1) and dydt(2)) at the current position of the projectile. Many thanks, Brian
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