From: Maciej K. aka Sesjusz on 21 Nov 2009 13:52 Hello, Yesterday I have isntalled: "AISuite_10539_XpVistaWin7" in Vista 64bit, it was working, today it can't start, I get error message: SP DLL report "Load Service Provider Error!!" I have uninstalled AI suite, removed everything with "AI Suite" from windows registry and install older version of AI Suite: "AISuite_10533_XpVistaWin7" but there is the same problem, can you help me ? And one thing more, I am using EPU-6 engine because my average cpu load is about 7-20% (E8500 - 3,16GHz). EPU-6 profile is set to "Auto" and it is switching, It is often on "Max. power saving" but f.e. when I am converting movie or work in Photoshop it should switch to "turbo". But raction to switch is to long ! How to set it to switch it faster ?! And before it swith to "Max. power saving" should wait longer time ! F.e. when I am doing blure filter on big image it is on TURBO, then after that I am setting "sharp filter" in photoshop, it is few seconds only and after that CPU load is again 100% but in that few second EPU6 applications is switching to Max. power saving ! How to set/definie time of switching it lower (from turbo to f.e. max power saving) ater longer time ? One more, I am testing my CPU in f.e. SiSoft Sandra or in Orthos or Everest, in EPU6 it is on AUTO profile and on "Max power saving", test is starging, CPU load is on very high on 100% an on high priority to orthos/sisoft sandra/everest proces. CPU is testing f.e. 10 minutes and EPU6 is not switching (!!!) profile from Max Power saving !! It is still "Max Power Saving" !! Probalny it is like that because my CPU is on 100 % load and EPU6 Application is not respinging so fast. How to change it ? EPU-6 Engine version is V1.02.04. Please help me :) I hope I am writing it in good plase, It is more ASUS appications programs from MB but no MotherBoard probem. -- Best wishes from Poland Maciek aka. Sesjusz ICQ: 3385742
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