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From: bluestar on 31 Jul 2008 22:35 I used below function to partition one physical disk. But I have some question to happen. (1) I found the below function can't partition above 2 Logical Drives. How to modify to do this function? (2) I found it would happen partition wrong condition(In one physical disk, it will show 3 Logical Drives and all sizes of 3 Logical Drives are over than one physical disk in Disk Management, for example : 30G HDD, it shows 27.9G, 2G, 27.9G). How to modify code to prevent this error condition? Thanks for your great help. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// llPhyDiskSize = PhyDiskGeometry(m_PhyDevHwnd); if( llPhyDiskSize > MAX_SIZE_DISK ) // if over 32G, set to 32G llPhyDiskSize = MAX_SIZE_DISK; if( PartitionPhysicalDisk(m_PhyDevHwnd, llPhyDiskSize, &cDrive) )// partition to FAT32 { FormatPhyDisk(cDrive); //format to FAT32 } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// LONGLONG PhyDiskGeometry(HANDLE hDevice) { BOOL bResult; DWORD junk; LONGLONG DiskSize; DISK_GEOMETRY clsPdg; bResult = ::DeviceIoControl(hDevice ,IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY, NULL,0, &clsPdg,sizeof(DISK_GEOMETRY), &junk, (LPOVERLAPPED) NULL); if (bResult) { DiskSize = clsPdg.Cylinders.QuadPart * (ULONG) clsPdg.TracksPerCylinder * (ULONG) clsPdg.SectorsPerTrack * (ULONG) clsPdg.BytesPerSector; } else DiskSize = 0; return DiskSize; } BOOL CCfgEepDlg::FormatPhyDisk(CHAR cDrive) { BOOL bResult; INT nReturn; TCHAR parameters[MAX_PATH]; DelayTime(500); wsprintf(parameters, "%c: /FS:FAT32 /Q /Y", cDrive); nReturn = (INT)ShellExecute(NULL, "open","format",parameters, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); DelayTime(3000); if( nReturn>32 ) { do { if( GetProcessList("") ) Sleep(1000); else break; } while(1); bResult = TRUE; } else bResult = FALSE; return bResult; } BOOL GetProcessList(LPCTSTR szProcName) { HANDLE hProcessSnap; hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 ); if( hProcessSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { return( false ); } PROCESSENTRY32 pe32; pe32.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 ); if( !Process32First( hProcessSnap, &pe32 ) ) { CloseHandle( hProcessSnap ); return( false ); } do{ if(_stricmp(szProcName,pe32.szExeFile)==0){ return true; } }while(Process32Next( hProcessSnap, &pe32 )); CloseHandle( hProcessSnap ); return false; } BOOL PartitionPhysicalDisk(HANDLE hDevice, LONGLONG llDiskSize, PCHAR pDrive) { BOOL bResult; DWORD junk, dwDrvOrg, dwDrv; DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX drv_layout_info_ex; CREATE_DISK disk; INT n; dwDrvOrg = GetLogicalDrives(); if( dwDrvOrg!=m_dwDrv) return FALSE; ZeroMemory(&disk,sizeof(CREATE_DISK)); disk.PartitionStyle = PARTITION_STYLE_MBR; disk.Mbr.Signature = 0x7B060725; // Create primary partition MBR bResult = ::DeviceIoControl(hDevice,IOCTL_DISK_CREATE_DISK,&disk, sizeofCREATE_DISK),NULL, 0,&junk,NULL); if(!bResult) return FALSE; ::DeviceIoControl(hDevice,IOCTL_DISK_UPDATE_PROPERTIES,NULL,0,NULL, 0,&junk,NULL); if (hDevice!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { drv_layout_info_ex.PartitionEntry[0].PartitionStyle = PARTITION_STYLE_MBR; drv_layout_info_ex.PartitionEntry[0].StartingOffset.QuadPart = 0; drv_layout_info_ex.PartitionEntry[0].PartitionLength.QuadPart = llDiskSize; drv_layout_info_ex.PartitionEntry[0].PartitionNumber = 1; drv_layout_info_ex.PartitionEntry[0].RewritePartition = TRUE; drv_layout_info_ex.PartitionEntry[0].Mbr.PartitionType = PARTITION_FAT32; drv_layout_info_ex.PartitionEntry[0].Mbr.BootIndicator = FALSE; drv_layout_info_ex.PartitionEntry[0].Mbr.RecognizedPartition = 1; drv_layout_info_ex.PartitionEntry[0].Mbr.HiddenSectors=(32256/512); drv_layout_info_ex.PartitionStyle = PARTITION_STYLE_MBR; drv_layout_info_ex.PartitionCount = 1; drv_layout_info_ex.Mbr.Signature = 0x7B060725; bResult=::DeviceIoControl(hDevice,IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT_EX, &drv_layout_info_ex,sizeof(DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX), NULL,0, &junk, (LPOVERLAPPED) NULL); if( bResult ) { ::DeviceIoControl(hDevice,IOCTL_DISK_UPDATE_PROPERTIES, NULL, 0,NULL,0,&junk,NULL); bResult = TRUE; } else bResult = FALSE; DelayTime(500); dwDrv = (GetLogicalDrives() - dwDrvOrg); *pDrive = 0; for(n=0;n<26;n++) { if( (dwDrv&(1<<n))!=0 ) { *pDrive = 'A' + n; } } } if( *pDrive == 0 ) bResult = FALSE; return bResult; }
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