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From: Simon@Gigatronix on 3 Nov 2006 05:14 David and Alan Ahh ha! Thanks. Of course. That's a problem with looking at the server as a whole and not just the web site itself. At the moment, I've just amended the current site definition local root and the remote/test servers Host directories to /httpdocs/ , which gives: I'm a little surprised, because I can connect with a remote SQLyog client and the same user. Let me review the MySQL privileges and treble check my password typing. :-P I'll tell you how I get on.
From: Simon@Gigatronix on 3 Nov 2006 08:52
Got it sorted! gtxdb(a)localhost user access had an incorrect password. I guess I typo'd when GRANT'ing access. The remote client access worked because gtxdb@% and gtxdb@'our_fixed_ip' had the correct passwords. Conclusions: 1. Focusing on the ftp user access led me to point the DW site at the website root and not the public documents subdirectory. 2. The ftp user was setup by Plesk and did not have write permission to the website root, which it needs to create the _mmServerScripts directory and php files therein. 3. The ftp user originally only had @local MySQL access, which is infact all DW requires when it 'simulates' a local connection. However, I thought access from a remote host was needed. So, a mix-up of root vs. /httpdocs Host directories and local vs. remote access, with a final topping of password typo mistake. My thanks to the threadstarter, Dreamspeeder and the feedback from Mister Mustard, Murray, David and Alan. :tup: |