From: Matt McLeod on
I have a T5140 running Sol10U6 and the most recent firmware
as of a few days ago. Whenever sneep runs the following comes out
on the console:

Nov 13 16:54:45 fiorano picld[2789]: PICL snmpplugin: cannot fetch object value (err=-1)
Nov 13 16:54:58 fiorano last message repeated 3 times

As we have sneep running every half hour (custom Facter fact
collecting hardware serial numbers, it's otherwise harmless)
this is a bit annoying.

If I disable snmpplugin -- chmod 0 the library and restart the picl
service -- I'm no longer getting the serial number, so that rather
defeats the purpose.

Is this error indicative of a deeper problem? If not, is there some
way to make it shut up? Not a big fan of spurious log messages...

* Matt McLeod | mail: matt(a) | blog: *
--- People can do the work, so machines have time to think ---