From: Third Time Lucky on
Hi all

I want to put a small picture before text in word 2003.
I want to put a picture of somebodys head on the line of text then text
after it, then on the enxt line change the picture to someone elses head
then add text and so on.
How do I do this please?


inser picture?

how do I get my picture roughly the same size as the text?


--- news:// - complaints: news(a) ---
From: Twayne on
In news:hmrp8m$3kk$1(a),
Third Time Lucky <justme(a)> typed:
> Hi all
> I want to put a small picture before text in word 2003.
> I want to put a picture of somebodys head on the line of
> text then text after it, then on the enxt line change the
> picture to someone elses head then add text and so on.
> How do I do this please?
> symbol?
> inser picture?
> how do I get my picture roughly the same size as the text?
> Thanks
> --- news:// - complaints:
> news(a) ---

Insert the picture.
Right click and choose Format Picture
Choose Layout and set picture on left, text on right, click OK
Go add the text to the right of your picture.


Life is the only real counselor; wisdom unfiltered
through personal experience does not become a
part of the moral tissue.
Pages: 1
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