From: Abdullah on
Hi there,

please can you delight us about "k(x(j) <= u) =j" what does it do in the following the file.m ? I can not see how it works.

thank you

function v = piecelin(x,y,u)
%PIECELIN Piecewise linear interpolation.
% v = piecelin(x,y,u) finds the piecewise linear L(x)
% with L(x(j)) = y(j) and returns v(k) = L(u(k)).

% First divided difference

delta = diff(y)./diff(x);

% Find subinterval indices k so that x(k) <= u < x(k+1)

n = length(x);
k = ones(size(u));
for j = 2:n-1
k(x(j) <= u) = j;

% Evaluate interpolant

s = u - x(k);
v = y(k) + s.*delta(k);