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From: Cordell Cahill on 19 Jul 2010 20:27 We'll I've got a bunch of data sets with lateral g, longitundinal g, and the speed at which they were taken at as values. The lat g and long g basically make it a friction circle, but I need to plot that data in relation to speed. I'd like to plot it so it creates a cone like shape, then be able to look at slices of this cone and measure the slices' area with slices from other data sets. Problem is I don't believe my data will easily create a mesh or a contour of the data as I have it. What Im looking to do is say I do a 3d scatter plot of all my points is 'shrink wrap' around these points so that the maximums in the data are what create the final shape. Any easy way to do this?
From: neil on 19 Jul 2010 21:02 "Cordell Cahill" <purelax99(a)> wrote in message <i22qgo$1rp$1(a)>... > We'll I've got a bunch of data sets with lateral g, longitundinal g, and the speed at which they were taken at as values. The lat g and long g basically make it a friction circle, but I need to plot that data in relation to speed. I'd like to plot it so it creates a cone like shape, then be able to look at slices of this cone and measure the slices' area with slices from other data sets. Problem is I don't believe my data will easily create a mesh or a contour of the data as I have it. What Im looking to do is say I do a 3d scatter plot of all my points is 'shrink wrap' around these points so that the maximums in the data are what create the final shape. Any easy way to do this? You probably want to use the volumetric visualisation tools:
From: Cordell Cahill on 19 Jul 2010 21:39 > You probably want to use the volumetric visualisation tools: > Call me stupid, really you can, but I don't think thats what I'm looking for. Or I'm not interpreting anything in the volumetric visualisation tools to be what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a way to make a 3d border around my data, and I need to view slices of this border. And calculate an area for those slices. From reading up on what you sent me, I think that I can use subvolume to take larger slices if you will, say a slice with all data from 0-10kph(the 3rd dimension in my case) and make it 2d. But then I still need to make a border around that data in order to calculate an area. Sorry, I havent used matlab in 3+ years, and when I did none of it was 3d volumes.
From: Cordell Cahill on 20 Jul 2010 19:40
Anyone with an ideas to help me solve my problem? |