From: Ashar on
"No0o0oR " <n.khaznadar(a)> wrote in message <hmmh7k$4a9$1(a)>...
> ImageAnalyst <imageanalyst(a)> wrote in message <92a439bd-a714-4324-bde3-44e92ec2695d(a)>...
> > Nour :
> > Did you see MATLAB's "People tracking demo"?
> >
> > It does exactly this.
> Image Analyst,
> yes i check this demo .. but the problem i don't know anything in simulink...i don't know the process to get that rectangle ...
> after i did the subtraction and detect the moving object what is the technique to draw a moving rectangle around it ?

you can use

for complete explanation just type regionprops on matlab help