From: Walter Roberson on
Erik L wrote:
> I have a matrix A(5,6,9) meaning that it has got separate matrices each
> having 5 rows and 6 columns for each third dimension [ 9].
> like A(:,:,1)......A(:,:,9)
> I have updated the matrix A according to my algorithm and now want to
> plot the comparative values column-wise of all matrices for the third
> dimension[1,,,9].
> I should see something like:
> on X-axs.....values from 1 to 9( the third dimension)
> on y-axs.....the weights of the values inside the matrices
> on z-axs.....the values 1 to 6 which are the columns of matrices

I'm not sure what you mean by "the weights of the values inside the matrices".

Anyhow, on some axes, you need to display the actual _value_ A(J,K,L). You are
already using x, y, and z, so the value of the cells would need to be plotted
in t (time), or in color. Earlier I described some of the difficulties of
using color in 3D, and you haven't mentioned color at all, but you also
haven't mentioned any kind of animation. What were you envisioning?

Instead of plotting as you have described, would it be acceptable to plot 9
different 3D plots, P=1:9, A(:,:,P) ? If so then see subplot()
From: sscnekro on
I have nothing to add (and do not aim so) to the advise above, it's just that I hit on the error message " ??? Error using ==> plot3 Data may not have more than 2 dimensions" by typing

plot3(A(1,1,:),A(2,2,:),A(1,2,:)); % A .. < 2 x 2 x 3 double>

Maybe this is what confused you. I myself personally wrongly assumed that A(1,1,:) 'd be 2D. You may extract your data (the 3rd dimension) by

B = permute(A, [3 2 1]).