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From: highegg on 21 Jan 2007 11:11 program test_ETA ! Empty Target Association real,dimension(10),target:: a real,dimension(10):: b real,dimension(:),pointer:: p p => a(7:3) print *,associated(p,a(7:3)) call ts(a(7:3),p) print *,associated(p,a(7:3)) call ts2(a(7:3)) call ts2(b(7:3)) contains subroutine ts(a,p) real,dimension(:),intent(in),target:: a real,dimension(:),pointer:: p p => a end subroutine subroutine ts2(a) real,dimension(:),intent(in),target:: a real,dimension(:),pointer:: p call ts(a,p) print *,associated(p,a) end subroutine end program What output in your opinion should the above program produce? g95, gfortran 4.2 and Intel 9.1 for EM64T give all "F"s, whereas PathScale 2.5 gives all "T"s. I couldn't find anything special about empty targets in the standard; therefore, I think PathScale is right. Is that true?
From: Michael Metcalf on 21 Jan 2007 11:33 > > What output in your opinion should the above program produce? All Fs. > g95, gfortran 4.2 and Intel 9.1 for EM64T give all "F"s, > whereas PathScale 2.5 gives all "T"s. I couldn't find anything special > about empty targets in the standard; therefore, I think PathScale is > right. Is that true? > From MR&C, Section 8.2: "If the ... array size is zero, false is returned." Regards, Mike Metcalf
From: Greg Lindahl on 21 Jan 2007 17:12 Your bug # is 11843. -- greg
From: Greg Lindahl on 23 Jan 2007 15:11 In article <45b3e541$1(a)>, Greg Lindahl <lindahl(a)> wrote: >Your bug # is 11843. .... the fix has been checked in, and assuming it survives regression testing, will be in our 3.0 release. This is an interesting example of something required first in F95 that wasn't in our test suites. Unfortunately there's no good test suite we can buy that covers all the new F95 and new F2003 features. So we make do with what we generate internally, plus public suites like gfortran's test suites. Real applications that use F95 features are fairly rare. Tonto is a good example, it found 5 bugs. -- greg (employed by, not speaking for, QLogic/PathScale.)
From: FX on 24 Jan 2007 07:34 > So we make do with what we generate internally, plus public suites like > gfortran's test suites. Nice. Are you aware of any other project making available testsuites ? > Real applications that use F95 features are fairly rare. Tonto is a > good example, it found 5 bugs. I suggest you try, if it's not done already, cp2k ( They make heavy use of F95 features. -- FX
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