From: Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. on
Don't use prelink from Lenny with libc6 from testing or Sid. Once the newer
libc libraries are processed by the old prelink, they are still loadable, but
will crash.

The first time this happened on my system, most new processes quickly received
a SIGSEGV. The second time this happened on my system, most new processes
could not allocate memory. In both cases, rebooting failed rather

Also in both cases, recovery was done by booting using a live cd/dvd and using
dpkg -x to "install" a pristine libc6. During the second recovery, I was able
to narrow the problem down to the prelink cronjob. After the second recovery,
I upgraded prelink to the testing/Sid version and the issue has not (yet)

I think there may be a bug on this, but I am not sure. Mixing stable with
testing/unstable isn't really supported anyway.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =.
bss(a) ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-' \_/