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From: James on 28 Feb 2010 03:21 Hi all I am trying to print a figure in tiff format with dimensions of 3.53 (width) x 3.2(height) inches. The whole figure has to have that size including the labels and a color bar. I can adjust the size of paper and position of the figure in file preview, but for any adjustments I make for a paper size of 3.53" x 3.2" the labels appear as cut-off for a figure of slightly larger size, I can get the labels to appear in the figure. Is there a way around it? Any help is appreciated...I tried something like this Thanks jck scatter(rand(10000,1),rand(10000,1),8,rand(10000,1)); xlabel('Something'); ylabel('Some other thing ]'); hj =colorbar; set(gcf, 'PaperUnits', 'inches') set(gcf, 'PaperSize',[3.5 3.2]); width = 3.0; % Initialize a variable for width. height = 2.5; % Initialize a variable for height. papersize = get(gcf, 'PaperSize'); left = (papersize(1)- width)/2; bottom = (papersize(2)- height)/2; myfiguresize = [0, 0, width, height]; set(gcf, 'PaperPosition', myfiguresize); print('-dtiff','-r200','test.tiff')
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