From: Ting on
I have an HP notebook, MS 2007. My Print screen button is also the INSERT
box. when I hit PRT SC and paste it into MS Word, it fails to copy it. I also
tried ALT+PRT SC and that doesn't copy it to Word either. What should I do?
From: Mi Tasol on
On Jan 28, 2:28 pm, Ting <T...(a)> wrote:
> I have an HP notebook and MS 2007. My PRT SC is button is also the INSERT
> button. when I hit PRT SC and paste it into a WORD doc, it is unable to copy
> it. Any thoughts? I also tried ALT PRT SC, still nothing.
> Thanks

On my HP you have to press the function key (the boxed fn next to the
left Ctrl key) to make it copy
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