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From: Chris Hare on 4 Aug 2010 12:40 Here is my chunk of code. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong to put my scrollbar on the right hand side of the text box. from Tkinter import * def showLogFile(): top = Toplevel() f = Frame(top, bd=0, bg="Gray") top.title = "netcomm log file" f.grid() sc = Scrollbar(top) sc.grid() t = Text(f, yscrollcommand = sc.set) sc.config(command=t.yview) t.insert(END,"This is a line of text") t.config(height=20,width=80,bg="Gray") button = Button(f, text="Dismiss", command=top.destroy, highlightbackground="Red") t.grid() button.grid() showLogFile() mainloop()
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