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From: Peter Perkins on 4 Nov 2009 08:36 Yudha wrote: > The way I use mle is like this : > [phatl,pcil]=mle(t,'logpdf',lpdf,'start',[5/3,1.4],'lower',[5/3,-inf],'upper',[2,inf]); You are giving a starting value for the first parameter right at the lower limit. Don't do that. > But now the 0 values is the likelihood itself after we calculate using estimated parameter values given by mle. While the log_likelihood is giving values in the order of -2.10^4 Yes, as I said, that's why one works with the LOG-likelihood. What's exp(-2e4)? A number smaller than anything you can represent in double precision floating point. Why do you need to compute the unlogged likelihood? > What actually is the numerical scheme that Matlab use for mle ?, is it Newton-Raphson or else ?. Thanks As the help says: >> help mle MLE Maximum likelihood estimation. [snip] 'optimfun' A string, either 'fminsearch' or 'fmincon', naming the optimization function to be used in maximizing the likelihood. Default is 'fminsearch'. You may only specify 'fmincon' if the Optimization Toolbox is available. |