From: michael on

i have the following code:

filter = fdesign.bandpass(.4,.48,.52,.60,80,1,80);
BandPassFilt = design(filter, 'equiripple');

but i get error:
??? Error using ==> subsindex
Function 'subsindex' is not defined for values of class

what's the problem?
From: Frantz Bouchereau on
Hi Michael,
Do not assign your filter design output to a variable called 'filter'
because that creates a conflict with the filter function.

This works fine:

>> f = fdesign.bandpass(.4,.48,.52,.60,80,1,80);
>> BandPassFilt = design(f, 'equiripple');
>> C = filter(BandPassFilt,randn(10,1))



"michael" <bezenchu(a)> wrote in message
> hi
> i have the following code:
> filter = fdesign.bandpass(.4,.48,.52,.60,80,1,80);
> BandPassFilt = design(filter, 'equiripple');
> C=filter(BandPassFilt,smps);
> but i get error:
> ??? Error using ==> subsindex
> Function 'subsindex' is not defined for values of class
> 'dfilt.dffir'.
> what's the problem?

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