From: Guillaume Jacquenot on
I found a bug in function loading the GSHHS. Recently, the number of arguments in the header of polygon stored in GSHHS files have changed.

However, I had some trouble loading GSHHS files.
Looking inside the code, I found that the number of elements read in the header of each polygon did not match the GSHHS file.
It has changed from 8 to 11

In file 'mu_coast.m' for function '[A,cnt] = get_gheader(fid)'
I had to change the line
[A,cnt]=fread(fid,11,'int32'); where 11 is the new number of elements to read in the header.

Without this change, nothing was displayed.

The maintainer of this toolbox is aware of this bug , and will try to solve it.

From: Lars on
The OP states
> I have put the files gshhs_X.b in the folder m_map\private as suggested in m_map
> manual.
> However i get the message:
> Warning: Coastline file private/gshhs_c.b not found

Look at the / \ directory separators. A classic *n*x issue, or is this a typo in the post or somewhere in the code?

From: Gus on
Thank you very much!
the change in mu_coast.m fixed the problem....