From: Cristobal Bertoglio on

I've just installed the pardiso interface in matlab. The example works fine, but when I try to solve the system that I want, it gives the wrong result. However, solving the transposed system works fine!

What I do is the following: to solve sisten A*X=B, i do

info = pardisoinit(11,0);
info = pardisoreorder(A,info,false);
info = pardisofactor(A,info,false);
[X info] = pardisosolve(A,B,info,false);

what works fine (i.e., gives the same result as A\B) for some matrices A, but not for my matrix (size(A) \approx 25000).

However, when i do the same just changing before A=A' it works fine!!l

Does somebody have an idea why this can happening? Does this have a relation with the options in "info"?

Thanks in advance,
