From: Archimedes Plutonium on

--- quoting from Wikipedia ---
Riemann's hypothesis is concerned with the zeroes of the æ-function
(i.e., s such that æ(s) = 0). The connection to prime numbers is that
it essentially says that the primes are as regularly distributed as
possible. From a physical viewpoint, it roughly states that the
irregularity in the distribution of primes only comes from random
noise. From a mathematical viewpoint, it roughly states that the
asymptotic distribution of primes (about 1/ log x of numbers less than
x are primes, the prime number theorem) also holds for much shorter
intervals of length about the square root of x (for intervals near x).
This hypothesis is generally believed to be correct. In particular,
the simplest assumption is that primes should have no significant
irregularities without good reason.
--- end quoting from Wikipedia ---

Maybe, just maybe I have a proof of the Riemann Hypothesis. Funny how
a correction of the
Indirect Method Euclid Infinitude of Primes proof-- that the Euclid
Numbers of P-1 and P+1
are necessarily primes in that method yields the proof of the Riemann

The proof of the Legendre Conjecture is easily begot from the idea
that both n^2 +1 and
(n+1)^2 -1 lie between n^2 and (n+1)^2 and are prime using the
Indirect Euclid IP method.

So if the Riemann Hypothesis is a further demand or restriction of
having a prime existing in a much smaller interval about number x,
well, the Indirect Euclid IP can fulfill that demand.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies