From: Andy Venikov on
restor wrote:
>> Frankly, what you describe seems like a perfect fit for using shared_ptr
>> Have your member be a shared_ptr<std::string>.
>> And return shared_ptr<const std::string> from your getter function.
> shared_ptr adds itself a visible overhead, and may even be slower than
> returning string by value if the string has an embedded reference
> counting.
> Regards,
> &rzej

That's true, but it's all very implementation depended - not all
std::strings are equal and some might not implement reference counting.
shared_ptr on the other hand is always reference-counted.

Having said that, I just remembered an item from Scott Myers' "effective
STL" where he described a std::string implementation from four leading
libraries (which ones he did not mention) and I believe all of them were
reference counted.


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From: Francis Glassborow on
Nevin :-] Liber wrote:
> In article <6LednaHXT5qNForWnZ2dnUVZ8mWdnZ2d(a)>,
> Francis Glassborow <francis.glassborow(a)> wrote:
>> Note that we also need to consider whether the caller may want only the
>> current value or to be able to track the value. That leads to me
>> wondering whether we should not sometimes return a const volatile reference.
> Could you elaborate on why one would need volatile?
> As you well know, all that const reference means is that the intention
> is not to modify the object through this alias (mutable, const_cast,
> etc. notwithstanding, of course).

But if we hold a const reference the compiler believes that the
underlying object will not change. By flagging it as volatile as well we
warn the compiler that the underlying object may change out of our
sight. Of course in the case of single threaded code the compiler will
assume that a const reference might change if a function is called that
has independent access to the object but in the case of multi-threaded
code the compiler (for a single TU) has no reason to expect that the
object might be modified (in a different thread)

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From: Nevin :-] Liber on
In article <rIGdncZXwdiMe4XWnZ2dnUVZ8sKdnZ2d(a)>,
Francis Glassborow <francis.glassborow(a)> wrote:

> But if we hold a const reference the compiler believes that the
> underlying object will not change. By flagging it as volatile as well we
> warn the compiler that the underlying object may change out of our
> sight. Of course in the case of single threaded code the compiler will
> assume that a const reference might change if a function is called that
> has independent access to the object but in the case of multi-threaded
> code the compiler (for a single TU) has no reason to expect that the
> object might be modified (in a different thread)

Volatile does not solve the multithreaded issue; you have to synchronize
access to the object. Are there any compilers out there which
incorrectly make assumptions about their own synchronization primitives
such that they assume the underlying object hasn't changed across a
synchronization boundary?

And const volatile references make things a whole lot messier. Since
copy constructors take their parameter by const non-volatile reference,
the following code won't compile:

std::string s("Hello, world!");
std::string const volatile & scvr(s);
std::string copys(scvr); // error

Nevin ":-)" Liber <mailto:nevin(a)> 773 961-1620

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From: Stuart Golodetz on
Nick Hounsome wrote:
> On 3 Dec, 17:21, Stuart Golodetz
> <sgolod...(a)NdOiSaPlA.pMiPpLeExA.ScEom> wrote:
>> int main()
>> {
>> shared_ptr<X> x(new X);
> The following line is NEVER a good idea.
> I know a lot of people seem to think that a class should be written to
> be idiot proof but idiots are so inventive that that is difficult - I
> prefer to just not employ idiots.
>> const std::string& r = x->s();

Ok, I'll bite and risk looking like an idiot :) Why do you think it's
*never* a good idea?

As to class design - I agree with you (up to a point). A true idiot will
find a way to break anything :) I'd still program defensively to guard
against the most likely client mistakes, though.


>> x.reset();
>> // BOOM
>> std::cout << r << '\n';
>> return 0;
>> }

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