From: Johan Grönqvist on
Manuel Graune skrev:
> Manuel Graune <manuel.graune(a)> writes:
> Just as an additional example, let's assume I'd want to add the area of
> to circles.
> [...]
> which can be explained to anyone who knows
> basic math and is not at all interested in
> python.

Third attempt. The markup now includes tagging of different parts of the
code, and printing parts of the source based on a tag.

(Sorry about the mixture of python 2.X and python 3.X print statements,
I use 2.5)

## Ignore
from __future__ import with_statement
import sys

def print_selected_source(tag = ""):
is_printing = True
with open(sys.argv[0]) as file:
for line in file:
if line.startswith("## Ignore"):
is_printing = False
elif line.startswith("## Show") and tag in line:
is_printing = True
elif is_printing:
print line,

from math import pi as PI

## Show Code1
d1= 3.0
A1= d1**2 * PI / 4.0

## Ignore
print_selected_source(tag = "Code1")
print ("Area of Circle 1:\t", A1)

## Show Code2
d2= 5.0
A2= d2**2 * PI / 4.0

## Ignore
print_selected_source(tag = "Code2")
print ("Area of Circle 2:\t", A2)

Sum_Of_Areas= A1 + A2
print ("Sum of areas:\t", Sum_Of_Areas)

/ johan

From: Dave Angel on

Johan Gr wrote:
> Manuel Graune skrev:
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> The output should 1) show manually selected python code and comments
>> (whatever I think is important), 2) show selected results (final and
>> intermediate) and 3) *not* show python code that for someone only
>> interested in the calculation and the results (and probably not
>> knowing python) would just be "noise" (e. g. "import"-statements,
>> actual "print()"-functions, etc.).
> Here is my second attempt. This version introduces what I might
> optimistically call a very simple markup language in the code.
> Printing of source can selectively be turned on and off by inserting
> lines beginning with "## Ignore" or "## Show" into the source file.
> ------------------------------
> ## Ignore
> from __future__ import with_statement
> import sys
> def print_selected_source():
> is_printing = True
> with open(sys.argv[0]) as file:
> for line in file:
> if line.startswith("## Ignore"):
> is_printing = False
> elif line.startswith("## Show"):
> is_printing = True
> elif is_printing:
> print line,
> ## Show
> a = 1
> b = 2
> c = 3
> result = a + b
> ## Ignore
> print_selected_source()
> print("result =\t", result)
> print("result + c =\t", result + c)
> ------------------------------
> Is this getting closer?
> / johan
How about simply importing the file with the calculations? Printing the
imported file is quite straightforward, and except for maybe skipping
the import lines that may be at the top (eg. import math), the rest of
the file could be meaningful for the end user.

That has the advantage that it's easy to have multiple "notepads", but
only one set of code that runs them.

From: Chris Colbert on
you may have a look at sage:
From: James Stroud on
Manuel Graune wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am looking for ways to use a python file as a substitute for simple
> pen and paper calculations. At the moment I mainly use a combination
> of triple-quoted strings, exec and print (Yes, I know it's not exactly
> elegant). To clarify, I just start an editor, write a file that
> might look something like this:

I wrote a module called pylave, which is meant to be a
parser-evaluator-solver for scratch paper-like calculations. It has
strict operator precedence, knows a variety of common operations, and
respects parenthetic grouping. It is designed to evaluate ini files,
which can have syntax highlighting depending on your text editor.
Pyparsing is required.

Here is a pylave example:

% cat test.ini
factor = 2
wwww = minor_axis / 2
www = 69.69 + wwww
height = 10
apex = epicenter // height
major_axis = epicenter + 2*radius / sin big
minor_axis = epicenter + (total / 14) % (length-1)
epicenter = 44
radius = ((14 + length)/2 + height)*breadth
length = width + 5
width = 2**2 - factor
total = big*(radius + 14)
big = abs (sin (5e+8))
breadth = 2*length + height
overlap = abs (1 + 1)
nexus = sin (5e-8)
plexus = sin (5e8)

% ./ test.ini
breadth : 24
www : 93.8350093235
nexus : 5e-08
big : 0.284704073238
major_axis : 3547.35712408
height : 10
radius : 492.0
plexus : -0.284704073238
total : 144.060261058
epicenter : 44
apex : 4
overlap : 2
wwww : 24.1450093235
width : 2
length : 7
factor : 2
minor_axis : 48.290018647

It is not perfect but if it will help, I'll cheeseshop it.

From: Ethan Furman on
Manuel Graune wrote:
> Manuel Graune <manuel.graune(a)> writes:
>> The use-case is acually fairly simple. The point is to use a python
>> source-file as subsitute for scrap-paper (with the opportunity to
>> edit what is already written and without illegible handwriting).
>> The output should 1) show manually selected python code and comments
>> (whatever I think is important), 2) show selected results (final and
>> intermediate) and 3) *not* show python code that for someone only
>> interested in the calculation and the results (and probably not
>> knowing python) would just be "noise" (e. g. "import"-statements,
>> actual "print()"-functions, etc.).

How about a decorator that turns your function into an object with the
results? Your code would then look like this:

#! /usr/bin/python3
from sp import ScratchPad
from math import pi as PI

def code1():
d1= 3.0
A1= d1**2 * PI / 4.0

print("Area of Circle 1:\t", code1.A1)

def code2():
d2= 5.0
A2= d2**2 * PI / 4.0

print("Area of Circle 2:\t", code2.A2)

Sum_Of_Areas= code1.A1 + code2.A2
print("Sum of areas:\t", Sum_Of_Areas)


and the printout like so:

Python 3.1 (r31:73574, Jun 26 2009, 20:21:35) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sp_test

d1= 3.0
A1= d1**2 * PI / 4.0

Area of Circle 1: 7.06858347058

d2= 5.0
A2= d2**2 * PI / 4.0

Area of Circle 2: 19.6349540849
Sum of areas: 26.7035375555

Here's the code for the decorator:

import inspect

class PropertyObj():
"""lookup using . notation"""

def ScratchPad(func):
source = inspect.getsourcelines(func)[0][2:]
lead_space = 0
for char in source[0]:
if char == ' ':
lead_space += 1
source = ''.join([line[lead_space:] for line in source])
print('\n' + source)
intermed_result = {}
final_result = PropertyObj()
exec(source, func.__globals__, intermed_result)
for key, value in intermed_result.items():
setattr(final_result, key, value)
return final_result

Hope this helps!
