From: PieterLinden via on
grupy wrote:
>Id like to know how I can query lets say a specific record from a parent-chil
> table
> For example, lets say parent table is Products using ProductID as the primar
> key and its child table is Customer using CustomerID as its key
> Id like to query one product and all its specific customers into a table b
> using a query. Can someone pls point me into the appropriate direction?

Consider an Invoice. Standard tables for it are something like
Customer(CustomerID (PK), CustomerName....)
Invoice(InvoiceNo (PK), InvoiceDate, InvCustomerID (FK)...)
LineItem(InvoiceNo (PK1), ProductID (PK2), Quantity....)

join all the tables on PK/FK.

Select Customer.CustomerName, Products.ProductName
FROM Customer INNER JOIN Invoice ON Customer.CustomerID = Invoice.
INNER JOIN LineItem ON Invoice.InvoiceNo = LineItem.InvoiceNo
WHERE Products.ProductName = "Some Product";

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