From: RB on 10 Apr 2010 09:56 This is the first time I have visited this group so I am not sure what specific subject matter is conversed here. So forgive and guide me as necessary. My question is about this Browser Encapsulation software called SafeCentral . 1.Has anyone had any experience with it they would share with me good or bad? 2.And for that matter what exactly is the main thrust of this group, do you mainly try to help users that are already infected or do you also advocate various preventative measures ? 3.Do the top 4 or 5 Security Suites really do much to help or is it all about calculated risks and NAT routers with Netbios ports blocked on the WAN, and surfing the web with limited user accts with guest acct disabled? Appreciate any input.
From: David H. Lipman on 10 Apr 2010 13:46 From: "RB" <NoMail(a)NoSpam> | This is the first time I have visited this group so I am not sure what specific | subject matter is conversed here. So forgive and guide me as necessary. | My question is about this Browser Encapsulation software called SafeCentral . | 1.Has anyone had any experience with it they would share with me good or bad? | 2.And for that matter what exactly is the main thrust of this group, do you mainly | try to help users that are already infected or do you also advocate various | preventative measures ? | 3.Do the top 4 or 5 Security Suites really do much to help or is it all about | calculated risks and NAT routers with Netbios ports blocked on the WAN, | and surfing the web with limited user accts with guest acct disabled? | Appreciate any input. The main thrust of this group is dealing with malicious code in respect to Microsoft operating systems. This could be; Internet traffic (such as Internet worms), Internet content, executables and scripts or vulnerabilities that may lead to malware. We do try to help those who have a computer that is infected and we can help provide information to help those from being infected. As for "Browser Encapsulation software called SafeCentral " I can't give any information on it as I have not herad of it -- sorry. As Q #3... I am one does not believe in "suites". If you are goin to go that route, choose bst in-class of the type of component required. They may be from different vendors. That is one vendor for anti virus, another vendor for a FireWall application and another vendor for anti spam, etc. I am an advocate of blocking TCP/UDP Port 135 ~ 139 and 445 on SOHOR Routers and/or FireWall appliances. It certainly doesn't hurt and it specifically closes thaose doors of ingess/egress for NetBIOS over IP. It is suggested to use Limited User Accounts such that the effect of most malre is limited as well. The user can not modify the the OS and lower its security settings. -- Dave Multi-AV -
From: RB on 11 Apr 2010 17:57 >I am one does not believe in "suites". >one vendor for anti virus, another vendor for a FireWall >application and another vendor for anti spam, etc. Sorry meant to get back here sooner. Thanks for the reply. Would you give me your favorites for firewall and also for malware and / or rootkits ? (They don't have to be free)
From: David H. Lipman on 11 Apr 2010 18:24 From: "RB" <NoMail(a)NoSpam> >>I am one does not believe in "suites". >>one vendor for anti virus, another vendor for a FireWall >>application and another vendor for anti spam, etc. | Sorry meant to get back here sooner. Thanks for the reply. | Would you give me your favorites for firewall | and also for malware and / or rootkits ? | (They don't have to be free) I'm not one for a FireWall application but a NAT Router or FireWall Appliance combined with the native FireWall of XP, Vista or Win7. As for anti virus, Avira AntiVir. For non-viral malware, Malwarebytes' Anti Malware (aka; MBAM). I do NOT suggest end-user casual scanning for RootKits. But, may favourite is Gmer. -- Dave Multi-AV -
From: RB on 11 Apr 2010 19:39 >I'm not one for a FireWall application but a NAT Router or FireWall Appliance >combined with the native FireWall of XP, Vista or Win7. 2 questions, 1. I have a NAT router but I don't think it has any hardware firewall on it, do I need one that does ? (I do have the netbios ports blocked on the Wan port) 2. I heard the Microsoft Firewall only monitors what comes in and no control over what goes out. Isn't it prudent to monitor the outflow also ?
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