From: casier on
Hi all,

I've two questions about matlab I didn't manage to do, relating first to the load function, and second to fortran code use with MEX.

- First, I'd like to know if it is possible to load only a part of a variable stored in a (huge) mat file. Say for example I've a mat file which contains a matrix A 50000x50000, and I just need to get A(1:50,1:50) ; I can't do:

load toto.mat A

because I get out of memory. I tried something like:

load toto.mat A(1:50,1:50)

but is doesn't work. I checked the help, nothing about it... I can't believe such common operation is not possible... any solutions ?

- I also have a question about fortran codes with matlab. I have some heavy computations that could be beneficially made under fortran. However, I need some matlab tools, some I'm thinking about using MEX. My question is: is it advatageous to use fortran with matlab in terms of computations or not ? In other words: does using fortran code in matlab functions kill the efficiency of fotran code or not ?

Thanks for all !