From: Tamas K Papp on
On Sun, 25 Apr 2010 08:54:52 -0700, jimka wrote:

>> 4. All keywords go into the same package. "KEYWORD". What causes the
>> evaluator to evaluate keywords to themselves? Is it that they exist in
>> this package? The CL syntax for keywords is that the a : preceed the
>> name. Other than this extremly handy syntax, is there any other reason
>> one might want all keywords in the same package? Is there an
>> reasonable argument to allow keywords in other packages? Restated,
>> suppose a lisp did not support the : synax for keywords but insisted
>> that keywords by identifyable by their inital character being "?".
>> Would their be an advantage for that lisp to force all such keywords
>> into the same package?
>> -jim
> It's obvious from the responses to this question that the question is
> not stated very well. :-( Let me retry.
> Common lisp, keywords happen to have three very useful properties. 1.
> they always evaluate to themselves 2. they always parse to the same
> symbol, regardless of the value of *current-package*
> 3. key all have (are in) the same package: "KEYWORD"
> These three properties are really orthogonal, but is it nice the CL
> makes
> sure they are all true simultaneously

Does it make sense to separate 2 and 3? If they parse to they same
thing anyway, what's the point in having them reside in a separate

> If the only lisp you have ever used is common lisp or something very
> common lisp-like, you might understandably have trouble seperating
> the two concepts as you have not so many example of symbols which
> exhibit one behavior without exhibiting the other. (T is an example
> of a symbol which exhibits #1 and #2, but not #3)

It beats be why you are assuming that people "have trouble separating
the two concepts". My impression is just that it is unclear _what_
you are trying to achieve. Or, to put it differently, if you have a
different behavior (which you would have to specify), what would be
the advantage? Speculating about "why X" is useless, unless there is
an (implicit) comparison to some viable alternative.

> #1 means you cannot do the following
> (setq :key 42)
> will fail, but (eq :key ':key) returns t.
> #2 means that even if the following functions are defined in different
> packages, ...
> ;; in package A
> (defun fun1 (x)
> (eq x ':key))
> ;; in package B
> (defun fun2 (x)
> (eq x ':key))
> ...the the two functions behave the exact behavior, as opposed to the
> following two functions which exhibit different behavior.
> ;; in package A
> (defun fun3 (x)
> (eq x 'key))
> ;; in package B
> (defun fun4 (x)
> (eq x 'key))
> Now because CL combines #1 and #2, you can write fun1 and fun2 without
> quoting the keyword.
> Now, what was my question?
> It was basically this: if a lisp allows users to create symbols which
> have attribute #1
> or #2 independently, does this eliminate the need for a single package
> which contains them all?

What would be the point? If they always parse to the same symbol,
that symbol will be in some package. It makes sense for these things to
be in a single package.

> So I don't understand whether CL conflates the 3 attributes into one
> because it only makes sense to do so, or whether the choice is an
> arbitrary one.

It is a good design choice. The keywords package is special in many
respects: eg its symbols don't have to be exported, so they can be
used anywhere without further ado.

But if you really, really want to separate some behavior, you can
easily define symbols which evaluate to themselves, make ? a reader
macro, etc. So instead of asking the big "Why?" question, why don't
you show us what you would gain by those solutions?

From: Pascal J. Bourguignon on
jimka <jimka(a)> writes:

>> 4. All keywords go into the same package. "KEYWORD". What causes the
>> evaluator to evaluate keywords to themselves? Is it that they exist
>> in this package? The CL syntax for keywords is that the a : preceed
>> the name. Other than this extremly handy syntax, is there any other
>> reason one might want all keywords in the same package? Is there an
>> reasonable argument to allow keywords in other packages? Restated,
>> suppose a lisp did not support the : synax for keywords but insisted
>> that keywords by identifyable by their inital character being "?".
>> Would their be an advantage for that lisp to force all such keywords
>> into the same package?
>> -jim
> It's obvious from the responses to this question that the question is
> not stated very well. :-( Let me retry.
> Common lisp, keywords happen to have three very useful properties.
> 1. they always evaluate to themselves
> 2. they always parse to the same symbol, regardless of the value of
> *current-package*

C/USER[33]> *current-package*

*** - SYSTEM::READ-EVAL-PRINT: variable *CURRENT-PACKAGE* has no value

What are you talking about???

> 3. key all have (are in) the same package: "KEYWORD"

CLHS keyword says:

Interning a symbol in the KEYWORD package has three automatic effects:

1. It causes the symbol to become bound to itself.
2. It causes the symbol to become an external symbol of the KEYWORD package.
3. It causes the symbol to become a constant variable.

Your expression "always evaluate to themselves" is not precise enough.

> These three properties are really orthogonal, but is it nice the CL
> makes
> sure they are all true simultaneously
> If the only lisp you have ever used is common lisp or something very
> common
> lisp-like, you might understandably have trouble seperating the two
> concepts
> as you have not so many example of symbols which exhibit one behavior
> without
> exhibiting the other. (T is an example of a symbol which exhibits #1
> and #2,
> but not #3)
> #1 means you cannot do the following
> (setq :key 42)
> will fail, but (eq :key ':key) returns t.

It fails not because of your #1, but because of CLHS 3. Not because
they "'always' evaluate to themselves", but because they're constant

> #2 means that even if the following functions are defined in different
> packages, ...

"functions are defined in different packages" is meaningless.

In Common Lisp, you can only INTERN a string, giving you an interned
symbol. Packages only contain symbols.

Sometimes, it may happen, but not always, some functions may be fbound
to symbols, who are not necessarily interned in a package.

On the other hand, as I explained in my other answer, when reading a
symbol (included the keywords), they are interned, at read time. If you
don't change cl:*package* between reading the following forms, then
indeed all the symbols naming the defined functions will be interned in
the same package, the one bound to cl:*package* (and all the keywords
read are always interned in the package named "KEYWORD").

> ;; in package A
> (defun fun1 (x)
> (eq x ':key))
> ;; in package B
> (defun fun2 (x)
> (eq x ':key))
> ...the the two functions behave the exact behavior, as opposed to the
> following two functions which exhibit different behavior.
> ;; in package A
> (defun fun3 (x)
> (eq x 'key))
> ;; in package B
> (defun fun4 (x)
> (eq x 'key))

No, for this, you would have to use (in-package "A") in (in-package "B")
instead of comments. Comments don't have any semantic effect.

> Now because CL combines #1 and #2, you can write fun1 and fun2 without
> quoting the keyword.
> Now, what was my question?
> It was basically this: if a lisp allows users to create symbols which
> have attribute #1
> or #2 independently, does this eliminate the need for a single package
> which contains them all?

Because of your point #2, two keywords that are written the same must
be interned in the same package.

(imply (equal (symbol-name k1) (symbol-name k2))
(eql (symbol-package k1) (symbol-package k2)))

So you're asking why not putting different keyords in different package?
But I ask what would be the point?

> So I don't understand whether CL conflates the 3 attributes into one
> because it only makes
> sense to do so, or whether the choice is an arbitrary one.

It does not. Taking the three properties of a real CL keyword:

1. It causes the symbol to become bound to itself.
2. It causes the symbol to become an external symbol of the KEYWORD package.
3. It causes the symbol to become a constant variable.

as you mentionned, they're orthogonal, and you can have symbols in all
sets, replacing 2. by "It causes the symbol to become an external symbol
of some package P."

{} (defvar x 42)
{1} (defvar x 'x)
{2} (intern "X" "P") (export 'p::x)
{1,2} (defvar p::x 'p::x) (export 'p::x)
{3} (defconstant x 42)
{1,3} (defconstant x 'x)
{2,3} (defconstant p::x 42) (export 'p::x)
{1,2,3} (defconstant p::x 'p::x) (export 'p::x)

the whole without using the package named "KEYWORD".

Or said otherwise, if you want to have symbols that are constants
evaluating to themselves that are exported different packages, nothing
prevents you to have them, and if you want to do so from a reader macro,
there's no difficulty either.

So to answer your question, the KEYWORD package is an arbitrary choice.
(But so is 90% of the rest of the language, and 99.9999999999% of the

__Pascal Bourguignon__
From: Pascal Costanza on
On 25/04/2010 17:54, jimka wrote:
>> 4. All keywords go into the same package. "KEYWORD". What causes the
>> evaluator to evaluate keywords to themselves? Is it that they exist
>> in this package? The CL syntax for keywords is that the a : preceed
>> the name. Other than this extremly handy syntax, is there any other
>> reason one might want all keywords in the same package? Is there an
>> reasonable argument to allow keywords in other packages? Restated,
>> suppose a lisp did not support the : synax for keywords but insisted
>> that keywords by identifyable by their inital character being "?".
>> Would their be an advantage for that lisp to force all such keywords
>> into the same package?
>> -jim
> It's obvious from the responses to this question that the question is
> not stated very well. :-( Let me retry.
> Common lisp, keywords happen to have three very useful properties.
> 1. they always evaluate to themselves
> 2. they always parse to the same symbol, regardless of the value of
> *current-package*
> 3. key all have (are in) the same package: "KEYWORD"

Most of the time, you want to use symbols because of their identity.
Packages help to deal with potential name clashes, in that they divide
the available namespace into separate units that can be viewed in
isolation, but can also communicate with each via exports and imports.

There are, however, cases where the symbol identity doesn't matter, and
this is primarily when you want to use symbols as keys referring only
indirectly to other values, such as in alists, plists, keyword paramater
lists, etc. They _can_ be put all in the same package _because_ their
identities don't matter, and this makes it easier to test for their
equivalence, i.e., by using the efficient identity test 'eq.

That they evaluate to themselves is an added convenience: It doesn't
make sense that they evaluate to something else (i.e., to an 'actual'
value), otherwise it would be better to keep them in separate packages
in the first place to avoid potential nameclashes. Instead of keeping
their symbol value undefined, they can just evaluate to themselves,
which adds the convenience that you don't have to remember when and when
not to quote them. This is quite nice, especially when writing macros,
but not essential.


My website:
Common Lisp Document Repository:
Closer to MOP & ContextL:
From: jimka on
> Does it make sense to separate 2 and 3? If they parse to they same
> thing anyway, what's the point in having them reside in a separate
> package?

It is a little bit hard to think about this abstractly I suppose. A
real example would certainly help; I agree.

There is no reason that I know of why a symbol cannot exist in
packages without loosing identity. If package A "uses" package B, I
would expect the common symbols to be identical. At least A::foo and
B::foo would refer to the same object. right?

> My impression is just that it is unclear _what_
> you are trying to achieve.

Sorry, but i'm not really at liberty to explain what I'm trying to
but that should not be necessary in order to understand why certain
were made in the CL specification.

> Or, to put it differently, if you have a
> different behavior (which you would have to specify), what would be
> the advantage? Speculating about "why X" is useless, unless there is
> an (implicit) comparison to some viable alternative.

It is not that I necessarily want a differnt behavior. If someone
is specifying a feature for lisp-foo, it is not really a sufficient
argument to say, "You should do it like Common Lisp". But rather,
"Common Lisp does it this way, and here is why...". Often the
design choices in the CL spec are very well conceived, sometimes
they are arbitrary, sometimes they are the lesser of two evils,
and sometimes they are mistakes.


From: jimka on
On Apr 25, 6:01 pm, p...(a) (Pascal J. Bourguignon)
> jimka <ji...(a)> writes:
> > 4. All keywords go into the same package. "KEYWORD". What causes the
> > evaluator to evaluate keywords to themselves? Is it that they exist
> > in this package? The CL syntax for keywords is that the a : preceed
> > the name. Other than this extremly handy syntax, is there any other
> > reason one might want all keywords in the same package?
> (eq ':x ':x) --> true is a good reason.

Maybe there is somthing fundamental that I misunderstand about CL
Isn't it possible for symbols in two pacakges to be eq? Isn't this
what the :use keyword does on defpackage? It assures you that the
with the same name are eq.
