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From: PA Bear [MS MVP] on 10 Apr 2010 14:05 [[Forwarded to WinXP Networking NG via crosspost]] RB wrote: > I have successfully implemented the following on my LAN and would > like input and criticism as the effectiveness of said items and where > I should have done more or different. > 1. I implemented the Classic Share via disabling Simple File Sharing > on WinXP pro on all nodes. > 2. I created a user accts for each user on every node in Lan (with their > pswds) and gave each user a shared folder on each node with pertinent > share permissions and NTFS group access. > 3. I created another user limited acct named BrowseWeb and did not > give it a pswd nor did I create any new folders with access permissions > nor any NTFS access rights for said user acct. > However I surmise the acct's Documents and Settings folders created by > the system for the BrowseWeb acct would be lan accessible except I did > not give this user acct a pswd and I disabled the guest acct on all > nodes. So while using this acct to browse the internet, it is not > possible to access another node. > This all seems to work well, and I surmise I am somewhat more secure than > I > was with no passwords. And now I can designate which folders I want shared > by which users as opposed to all users seeing any shared folders outside > of > their Documents and Settings folders. Of course I have a NAT router and > use AES encryption with a very long key on the wireless port. |