From: pete on 21 Dec 2009 07:55 Stephen Howe wrote: > On Sat, 28 Nov 2009 07:23:35 -0800 (PST), mohangupta13 <mohangupta13(a)> wrote: > > >>hello all , >>Using median of median or just median to choose the pivot in quick >>sort it can be deterministically proved that the worst case running >>time of quicksort is O(nlgn) and not O(n^2) . >> >>So why is that quick sort is still blamed to be having a worst case of >>O(n^2).?? >>Is there some problem with the above mentioned methods of choosing the >>pivot ? > > > Yes, they are O(N). All those O(N) calls add up. > Most pivots for Quicksort are chosen in O(1) > > But this is academic. If you use Musser's hybrid Introsort, it wil lbe Quicksort with O(1) pivots and Heapsort where it blows > up. That guarantees O(N * lg N) performance in worst case and close to Quicksort in the average case. Outside of introsort, I'm unfamiliar with any quicksort which is truly O(N * log(N)) for worst case. A qsort type quicksort function called mqsort, has a worst case (reverse ordered array) that takes 1.450 times as many comparison calls as its average case when N equals 1024 and 1.468 times as many comparison calls as its average case when N equals 32768. That seems pretty close to O(N * log(N)) worst case, but not exactly there. A very interesting sort is leapfrogging sample sort, which has the amazing property of making the same number of compar calls on a randomized array as mergesort does. However it is O(N * log(N) * log(N)) worst case. mergesort does theoretical lower information bound comparisons. sfsort, which is a qsort type leapfrogging sample sort function taken from the code here: Here in sfsort_test.c are: mqsort, sfsort, and also included for contrast are: m_sort, (a mergesort ) q_sort, (a very simple quicksort) /* BEGIN sfsort_test.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* ** This program compares various qsort type ** array sorting functions, by counting compar calls. */ #define ARRAY_ELEM (32768 / 32) #define TRIALS 10 /* ** Make sure that SEQUENCE and SEQUENCE_STR match. */ #define SEQUENCE RANDOM #define SEQUENCE_STR "RANDOM" /* ** #define SEQUENCE RANDOM ** #define SEQUENCE FORWARD ** #define SEQUENCE REVERSE */ /* ** Decrease KEY_RANGE, if more equal keys are wanted. */ #define KEY_RANGE 0XFFFFFFFFLU /* 0X1LU, 0XFFFFFFFFLU */ /* sfsort */ /* ** Leap frog sample quicksort */ /* m_sort */ /* ** stable mergesort, ** Number of comparisons: ** best case: N * log2(N) / 2 ** worst case: N * log2(N) - N + 1 */ /* q_sort */ /* ** Simple Lomuto qsort */ /* qsort */ /* ** Standard library qsort ** defined by your C implementation */ #define FUNCTIONS_AND_STRINGS { \ {sfsort, "sfsort"}, \ {mqsort, "mqsort"}, \ {m_sort, "m_sort"}, \ {q_sort, "q_sort"}, \ {qsort, " qsort"} \ } #define BYTE_SWAP(A, B, S) \ { \ p1 = (A); \ p2 = (B); \ end = p2 + (S); \ do { \ const unsigned char swap = *p1; \ \ *p1++ = *p2; \ *p2++ = swap; \ } while (p2 != end); \ } #define NUM_LEN 12 #define SEED_RAND 123456789 #define RANDOM (lus_seed = LU_RAND(lus_seed) % KEY_RANGE) #define FORWARD element #define REVERSE (0LU - 1 - element) #define LU_RAND(S) ((S) * 69069LU + 362437 & 0XFFFFFFFFLU) #define NMEMB(A) (sizeof A / sizeof *A) #define str(s) # s #define xstr(s) str(s) void sfsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)); void m_sort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)); void q_sort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)); void mqsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)); void free_arrays(long unsigned **array, size_t nmemb); int comparison(const void *arg1, const void *arg2); int comparray(long unsigned *s1, long unsigned *s2, size_t nmemb, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)); static void sfrog(size_t s1, size_t ss, void *base, size_t u, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)); static void merg(unsigned char *buff, unsigned char *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)); static void m2sort(size_t sorted, void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)); static void block_swap(void *first, void *middle, void *last, size_t size); static void reverse(unsigned char *first, unsigned char *last, size_t size); long unsigned Comps; int main(void) { size_t sort, element, n; struct { void (*func)(void *, size_t, size_t, int (*)(const void *, const void *)); char *name; } F[] = FUNCTIONS_AND_STRINGS; long unsigned *array[NMEMB(F)]; long unsigned trial, totalC[NMEMB(F)], CompCounter[NMEMB(F)]; long unsigned lus_seed = SEED_RAND; for (n = 0; n != NMEMB(array); ++n) { array[n] = malloc(ARRAY_ELEM * sizeof *array[n]); if (array[n] == NULL) { free_arrays(array, n); fputs("\nmalloc() array failure\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } totalC[n] = CompCounter[n] = 0; } puts("/* BEGIN sfsort_test.c output */\n"); puts("Counting compar calls " "for different qsort type functions,"); printf("sorting arrays of %lu keys.\n\n" , (long unsigned)ARRAY_ELEM); puts("SEQUENCE is " SEQUENCE_STR "\n"); printf(" "); for (n = 0; n != NMEMB(array); ++n) { printf(" %" xstr(NUM_LEN) "s", F[n].name); } printf("\n Trial:\n"); for (trial = 0; trial != TRIALS; ++trial) { element = ARRAY_ELEM; while (element-- != 0) { array[0][element] = SEQUENCE; for (sort = 1; NMEMB(F) > sort; ++sort) { array[sort][element] = array[0][element]; } } for (n = 0; n != NMEMB(array); ++n) { Comps = 0; F[n].func(array[n], ARRAY_ELEM , sizeof *array[n], comparison); CompCounter[n] = Comps; totalC[n] += CompCounter[n]; } printf("%6lu:", trial + 1); for (n = 0; n != NMEMB(array); ++n) { printf(" %" xstr(NUM_LEN) "lu", CompCounter[n]); } putchar('\n'); for (sort = 1; NMEMB(F) > sort; ++sort) { if (comparray(array[0], array[sort] , ARRAY_ELEM, comparison)) { fputs("\nSort discrepancy!!!\n", stderr); free_arrays(array, n); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } } free_arrays(array, NMEMB(array)); printf("\n%lu Trial%s, %lu keys, " "%lu possible different key value%s.\n\n" , trial, trial == 1 ? "" : "s" , (long unsigned)ARRAY_ELEM, KEY_RANGE , KEY_RANGE == 1 ? "" : "s"); for (n = 0; n != NMEMB(array); ++n) { printf("total %s comparisons: %" xstr(NUM_LEN) "lu\n" , F[n].name, totalC[n]); } puts("\n/* END sfsort_test.c output */"); return 0; } void sfsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)) { size_t s; if (nmemb > 1) { for (s = 1; nmemb - s > s; s += s + 1) { sfrog(0, s - 1, base, s + s, size, compar); } sfrog(0, s - 1, base, nmemb - 1, size, compar); } } static void sfrog(size_t s1, size_t ss, void *base, size_t u, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)) { unsigned char *p1, *p2, *end; unsigned char *const A = base; if ((size_t)(s1 - ss) != 1) { if (u > ss) { const size_t sm = (ss + s1) / 2; const size_t sms = sm * size; size_t j = (u + 1) * size; size_t i = ss * size; do { i += size; } while (j > i && compar(A + sms, A + i) > 0); do { j -= size; } while (j > i && compar(A + j, A + sms) > 0); while (j > i) { BYTE_SWAP(A + j, A + i, size); do { i += size; } while (j > i && compar(A + sms, A + i) > 0); do { j -= size; } while (j > i && compar(A + j, A + sms) > 0); } if (j == i) { j -= size; } i = ss * size; if (j > i) { size_t k = j; while (i + size > sms) { BYTE_SWAP(A + i, A + k, size); k -= size; i -= size; } j /= size; } else { j = ss; } sfrog(s1, sm - 1, A, sm + j - ss - 1, size, compar); sfrog(sm + j - ss + 1, j, A, u, size, compar); } } else { sfsort(A + s1 * size, u - ss, size, compar); } } void m_sort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)) { if (nmemb > 1) { void *const buff = malloc(nmemb / 2 * size); if (buff != NULL) { merg(buff, base, nmemb, size, compar); free(buff); } else { puts("\nmalloc failure in m_sort function.\n"); } } } static void merg(unsigned char *buff, unsigned char *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)) { if (nmemb > 1) { const void *const after = nmemb * size + base; const size_t half_nmemb = nmemb / 2; const size_t half_bytes = half_nmemb * size; unsigned char *midd = base + half_bytes; merg(buff, midd, nmemb - half_nmemb, size, compar); merg(buff, base, half_nmemb, size, compar); do { if (compar(base, midd) > 0) { const unsigned char *end = midd; buff += half_bytes; do { *--buff = *--end; } while (end != base); end += size; do { *base++ = *midd++; } while (base != end); do { if (midd != after) { end += size; if (compar(buff, midd) > 0) { do { *base++ = *midd++; } while (base != end); } else { do { *base++ = *buff++; } while (base != end); } } else { do { *base++ = *buff++; } while (base != midd); } } while (base != midd); } else { base += size; } } while (base != midd); } } void q_sort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)) { unsigned char *p1, *p2, *end; unsigned char *left; size_t nmemb_right, middle, last, right; left = base; while (nmemb-- > 1) { right = nmemb * size; last = middle = 0; do { middle += size; if (compar(left, left + middle) > 0) { last += size; BYTE_SWAP(left + middle, left + last, size); } } while (middle != right); BYTE_SWAP(left, left + last, size); nmemb = last / size; nmemb_right = (right - last) / size; if (nmemb_right > nmemb) { q_sort(left, nmemb, size, compar); left += last + size; nmemb = nmemb_right; } else { q_sort(left + last + size, nmemb_right, size, compar); } } } void mqsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)) { m2sort(1, base, nmemb, size, compar); } static void m2sort(size_t sorted, void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)) { if (sorted == 0) { sorted = 1; } if (nmemb > sorted) { size_t pivot; size_t sorted_bytes; size_t midd; unsigned char *const left = base; const size_t right = (nmemb - 1) * size; size_t last = right; while (nmemb - sorted > sorted) { m2sort(sorted, base, sorted * 2, size, compar); sorted *= 2; } pivot = sorted / 2 * size; sorted_bytes = sorted * size; midd = sorted_bytes; while (last > midd && compar(left + pivot, left + midd) > 0) { midd += size; } while (last >= midd && compar(left + last, left + pivot) > 0) { last -= size; } while (last > midd) { unsigned char *p1, *p2, *end; BYTE_SWAP(left + midd, left + last, size); do { midd += size; } while (midd != last && compar(left + pivot, left + midd) > 0); do { last -= size; } while (last >= midd && compar(left + last, left + pivot) > 0); } if (last >= sorted_bytes) { size_t nmemb_right; block_swap(left + pivot, left + sorted_bytes, left + last, size); pivot += last - sorted_bytes + size; nmemb_right = (right - pivot) / size; nmemb = pivot / size; m2sort(sorted / 2, left, nmemb, size, compar); m2sort((sorted - 1) / 2, left + pivot + size, nmemb_right, size, compar); } else { m2sort((sorted - 1) / 2, left + pivot + size, nmemb - sorted / 2 - 1, size, compar); } } } static void block_swap(void *first, void *middle, void *last, size_t size) { unsigned char *const m = middle; reverse(first, m - size, size); reverse(middle, last, size); reverse(first, last, size); } static void reverse(unsigned char *first, unsigned char *last, size_t size) { unsigned char *p1, *p2, *end; while (last > first) { BYTE_SWAP(first, last, size); first += size; last -= size; } } int comparison(const void *arg1, const void *arg2) { ++Comps; return *(const long unsigned *)arg2 > *(const long unsigned *)arg1 ? -1 : *(const long unsigned *)arg2 != *(const long unsigned *)arg1; } void free_arrays(long unsigned **array, size_t nmemb) { while (nmemb-- != 0) { free(array[nmemb]); } } int comparray(long unsigned *s1, long unsigned *s2, size_t nmemb, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)) { int rc = 0; while (nmemb--) { rc = compar(s1, s2); if (rc != 0) { break; } ++s1; ++s2; } return rc; } /* END sfsort_test.c */ -- pete
From: Willem on 21 Dec 2009 13:29 pete wrote: ) Stephen Howe wrote: )> Yes, they are O(N). All those O(N) calls add up. )> Most pivots for Quicksort are chosen in O(1) )> )> But this is academic. If you use Musser's hybrid Introsort, it wil lbe Quicksort with O(1) pivots and Heapsort where it blows )> up. That guarantees O(N * lg N) performance in worst case and close to Quicksort in the average case. ) ) Outside of introsort, I'm unfamiliar with any quicksort ) which is truly O(N * log(N)) for worst case. There is an O(N) algorithm to find the median of an array. Using that, you can get O(N * log(N)) quicksort. But that is purely academical, because with that algorithm, the constant factor becomes much much worse than other O(NlgN) sorts. SaSW, Willem -- Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for any of the statements made in the above text. For all I know I might be drugged or something.. No I'm not paranoid. You all think I'm paranoid, don't you ! #EOT
From: John Slimick on 21 Dec 2009 17:20 On 2009-12-21, Willem <willem(a)> wrote: > pete wrote: > > There is an O(N) algorithm to find the median of an array. > Using that, you can get O(N * log(N)) quicksort. > But that is purely academical, because with that algorithm, the > constant factor becomes much much worse than other O(NlgN) sorts. > > > SaSW, Willem My recollection is that older implementations of QS were O(n*lg n) but that worst cases (sorting a constant array) were more like O(n ^ 2). This is why for years people depended on binary merge since the time was almost always the same -- also O(n*lg n) -- for the same size arrays. john slimick university of pittsburgh at bradford slimick(a)
From: Stephen Howe on 3 Jan 2010 13:55 On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 07:55:22 -0500, pete <pfiland(a)> wrote: >> But this is academic. If you use Musser's hybrid Introsort, it wil lbe Quicksort with O(1) pivots and Heapsort where it blows >> up. That guarantees O(N * lg N) performance in worst case and close to Quicksort in the average case. > >Outside of introsort, I'm unfamiliar with any quicksort >which is truly O(N * log(N)) for worst case. Then feed your sort functions the adversary from I think you will find they blow up (anything that is using a O(1) method to get a pivot). Stephen Howe
From: Richard Harter on 3 Jan 2010 14:10
On Sun, 03 Jan 2010 18:55:14 +0000, Stephen Howe <sjhoweATdialDOTpipexDOTcom> wrote: >On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 07:55:22 -0500, pete <pfiland(a)> wrote: > >>> But this is academic. If you use Musser's hybrid Introsort, it wil lbe Quicksort with O(1) pivots and Heapsort where it blows >>> up. That guarantees O(N * lg N) performance in worst case and close to Quicksort in the average case. >> >>Outside of introsort, I'm unfamiliar with any quicksort >>which is truly O(N * log(N)) for worst case. > >Then feed your sort functions the adversary from > > >I think you will find they blow up (anything that is using a O(1) method to get a pivot). I hope that if you reread the material you commented on you will see the true value of your comment. Richard Harter, cri(a), Infinity is one of those things that keep philosophers busy when they could be more profitably spending their time weeding their garden. |