From: Tad McClellan on
lennie <erling.kopperdal(a)> wrote:
> Hi group!
> Apologies if this is trvial for you, but I try to construct a s/ / /g that
> will insert a - for every third digit in a number from right to left, ie:
> 123456 -> 123-456
> 1234567 -> 1-234-567
> 123 -> 123 (no - as first char)

Start with

perldoc -q comma

How can I output my numbers with commas added?


use warnings;
use strict;

foreach my $before qw(123456 1234567 123) {
my $after = $before;
1 while $after =~ s/^([-+]?\d+)(\d{3})/$1-$2/;
print "$before -> $after\n";

Tad McClellan
email: perl -le "print scalar reverse qq/moc.liamg\100cm.j.dat/"
The above message is a Usenet post.
I don't recall having given anyone permission to use it on a Web site.