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From: Archimedes Plutonium on 11 Jun 2010 00:16 I need to organize these chapters for the 5th edition of this book. No point in having two chapters on the redshift so I combined those into one. That left a gap opening for a chapter on the evolution of galaxies from spherical to elliptical galaxies and how magnetohydrodynamics is probably the main force behind this evolutionary process. Since I am adamant that the most proving and deciding evidence of the Atom Totality that dismisses the Big Bang theory is the cosmic blackbody microwave background radiation, it becomes chapter 3, and that I need to associate more the Dirac new radioactivities in chapter 1 and 3. To emphasize that the Atom Totality theory is a progression of Atom Totalities from a Hydrogen Atom Totality to a Helium Atom Totality to a Lithium Atom Totality all the way upwards to our present day Plutonium Atom Totality. This progression is not a hot cosmic temperature progression but a cool progression of a constant creation of new matter via Dirac new radioactivities. The Big Bang theory is not a entity theory, not a "something theory" but rather a process of an explosion and to Big Bang believers the universe is not a "something" but rather a "process". Now on those grounds alone, logic is averse to a theory that is a mere process. A theory that is a "becoming of something" but always stuck in a process mode. For an explosion never ends up as a "something". Unless, I suppose the believers of the Big Bang want gravity to halt the explosion and then bring the Universe back to some entity. Now, for the life of me, I cannot think of another theory of science that is wholly a process without ever a substance or entity or something that the process acts upon to make a integral theory. Now Darwin evolution theory has a process involved but it also has a entity involved of genetics. Nay, I cannot think of one single theory of science other than the Big Bang theory that is utterly deplete of a substance or a entity and where the entire theory is simply a 100% process. It is sort of like saying that we can have a theory of science on a vacuum. We know how to make partial vaccuums in a process of removing all matter and energy from a container, but then, to say we have a science theory on vaccuums is nonsense to be nice about it. So unlike the Big Bang theory of its sole term of an explosion and it being a 100% process with no substance or entity for the process to work upon, the Atom Totality theory is both a process and a crystal clear entity of something-- the elements of the periodic table. The process in the Atom Totality is where one atom totality builds up enough new atoms that it catapults the atom totality into the next higher atomic number Atom Totality. This creation of new matter is the Dirac new radioactivities. So in the Atom Totality theory, the theory has both material matter to work with and a process of change. Whereas the Big Bang theory is only process-- of a explosion. So now, when science observed in the late 20th century that the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation was a Quantum Blackbody radiation, immediately supports the Atom Totality theory as it says the Universe is a something-- a entity and is a big atom to have a cavity inside that atom to create a blackbody microwave radiation. The Big Bang theory is destroyed with that evidence of a blackbody microwave, because the Big Bang is not an entity, is not a container or cavity to have a blackbody microwave radiation at 2.71 Kelvin. So in chapter 1, I need to expand on the idea of a progression of atom totalities from hydrogen to helium all the way up through the chemical elements to plutonium. Whereas the Big Bang is just all process and no substance, is just one explosion, that could not possibly render a blackbody microwave cosmic radiation. Archimedes Plutonium whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies |