From: Alex on
Hi, Jay.
It seems that I hastened to the findings.
First of all, this code fails on some end user computers, but it doesn't on
my developer's machine.
I changed it as follows (C#):

InlineShape sh = ctrl.Range.InlineShapes[1];
Range rng1 = sh.Range;
rng2 = ctrl.Range;
object direction = WdCollapseDirection.wdCollapseEnd;
rng2.Collapse(ref direction);
int i = rng2.Move(ref unit, ref cnt);
rng1.Select(); //this line was added
rng2.Select(); //this line was added
Shape shape = rng2.InlineShapes[1].ConvertToShape();

After adding range selection, the code started to work normally on other

But then I got another error:
If content control is located in the header (footer), then there is an
exception "Index refers beyond end of list." at:

Should I use another way to manipulate content controls in header?

Thanks in advance.