From: erichv on

Hi, I am trying to do what voting buttons do BUT I have items to be
ticked in the mail that went out to rate the content of the mail.

Typically a rating might be from 1 to 10 so that the displayed text
will be "3",

The mail will be to me, the subject must be "3" PLUS the original
mail's Subject, The body can be blank.

"mailto:me(a)"1" "original mails subject" <-- ?????

Thnaks & Regards


From: erichv on

These mails go to anywhere in the world - so I don't expect the
recipient to have always have Outlook that will react to voting

hence the raw <mailto: > reply.

To have an idea which mail the reply is for, I need to get "subject= "
from the mail being sent (this side before it leaves) or that side (when
the mail arrives) - latter is better as, again, I do not know what
intlligence is on the mail client on the far side.

So I need a way that the <mailto: me(a), subject: ( some
reference to the outgoing mail's subject......
