From: Emanuel Haupt on
I am intending to update devel/ccache from 2.4 to 3.0.1 based on
patches previously submitted with the following PR's:

A full list of new features and improvements is available:

Since this port is used by a large audience, I'd like to ask for
feedback prior to the update. Feedback from people using ccache
integrated in tinderbox (ports-mgmt/tinderbox) is also gratefully

You can fetch the update from:

I've tested the update building various c/cpp heavy ports twice
watching the current statistics summary closely:

# while sleep 1; do clear; ccache -s; done

I saw the cache hit count go up as expected. The produced binary after
the second build was identical to the first one.

Before you try the updated version, you should clear the ccache
directory from the previous version:

# ccache --clear

This will also be stated in ports/UPDATING.

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