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From: Jan Simon on 25 Mar 2010 11:21 Dear Jane! > I have tried. I am not sure how to pick rows. > For example the rows 1, 405, 809, 1213,1617,2021 are equal to 1x3 each so these 1x3 must be underneath each other. > > maybe i need to do something like this but i am not sure. > > A1=rand(30,3) > reshape(A1,1,30,3) > . > reshape to have.. the 1st , 6th , 11th, 16th, 21st, 26th, columns for all 3 dimensions in one dimension. Im not sure how to do this. Please show us, what you have tried, and we can give some advices how to improve it! E.g. try this: reshape(A1, 6, 5, 3) and then: reshape(A1, 5, 6, 3) Then: A2 = permute(reshape(5, 6, 3), [2, 1, 3]) reshape(A2, 30, 3) etc. I'm sure you will get familiar with RESHAPE and PERMUTE soon. Kind regards, Jan
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