From: Susan on
I want to vary Td in the root locus to optimize my system response. I first found Kp by plotting the OL of my plant*Contr and found a good Kp value that met my settling time and damping factor. I don't have the newer version of MATLAB so I can't take advantage of the new PID tuning tools. I'd like to vary just the Td in the root locus, but can't figure out how to do this without changing Kp or Ti. Is there a good way to do this using just the root locus plot in the sisotool?

Contr = (1+Td*s +1/(Ti*s));
From: Susan on
Should I even be using the sisotool for this, or should I just be looking at the transient response. I've looked through different tutorials on the sisotool, but can't find anything that specifically addresses varying Ti or Td (Ki or Kd)