From: John Jack on
"Nico zanette" <zannakill(a)> wrote in message <gmrnuu$hdo$1(a)>...
> Hello
> I'm in trouble, I need to obtain a MR image from a txt file.
> The file contains a single column of data, with each row representing a different voxel in the grid. The data file was generated using the following ordering of grid cells:
> for kk=1:s3
> for jj=1:s2
> for ii=1:s1
> fprintf(fid,'%1.1f\n',ARRAY(ii,jj,kk));
> end
> end
> end
> where the dimension of ARRAY is [s1 x s2 x s3]
> I need to transform this file into a 3d image. After this i need to take sagittal slices from the 3d image.
> Somebody can help me?
> Thanks.

Hi Nico ....

I just wonder if you were able to plot the 3D and sagital slice. And which step or command you use...

