From: Rowan on

I have a linux firewall that is used to masq my local net
( and has connections to a T-1, and also a dsl line. I
would like to use my T-1 for voip traffic and also as my http server.
then use the dsl for everything else. I've gone through the How to and
came up with the following config. Am I on the right track ?

#establish table for telness t-1
ip route add 68.***.192.232/29 dev eth1 src 68.***.192.236 table
ip route add default via 68.***.192.233 table telness

#establish table for verison dsl
ip route add 108.***.0.0/8 dev eth0 src 108.***.55.60 table verizon
ip route add default via 108.***.55.1 table verizon

#establish connection for intranet
ip route add dev eth2 src table intranet
ip route add default via table intranet

ip route add 68.***.192.232/29 dev eth1 src 68.***.192.236
ip route add 108.***.0.0/8 dev eth0 src 108.***.55.60
ip route add dev eth2 src

ip route add default via 108.***.55.1

ip rule add from table telness
ip rule add from table verizon
ip rue add from table intranet